Zero Gravity Canyon in San Rafael Swell BLM, UT

Canyoneer Zero Gravity Canyon San Rafael Swell BLM, UT

Class 1 3B II R (75 ft max) 2.9 miles 400 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back May 28, 2018

Zero Gravity Canyon GPX Track

I need to offset my substantial website costs somehow! You can download a hike/drive GPX to assist you here. Before sharing my GPX tracks with others, please remember my site is otherwise a free resource.

This is a technical canyon. If you are unfamiliar with how to build anchors or the gear required for canyoneering do not attempt this route.

Listed coordinates are for the trailhead. Google Maps doesn't mark the dirt road when you navigate there, but here are the coordinates for that dirt road turn-off from UT-24: (38.76038,-110.4482622). To reach the trailhead, turn off here (38.76039, -110.4483). There was a steep section here (38.76724, -110.47737) that will cause difficulties for low-clearance.

Head along a use trail on the south rim of Zero Gravity Canyon until you drop down. There are a few sections of narrows and a really interesting pothole that requires climbing. The open sections of the canyon have water, and one of them was deep enough to jump in rather than downclimb when we went. After the pothole mentioned above, the canyon enters a final narrow section that requires a 20-foot stemming down climb, where you'll see the optional rappel. We opted to go for it, and it requires stemming over a 20-foot drop to a boulder, where a bolt was hanging and served as our anchor. If you don't want to rappel, make sure you're skinny enough to fit below the boulder and continue stemming down. I'd say this section is where the R rating comes in. It takes a moment of concentration even if you choose to do the rappel.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

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Walk along the southern rim of Zero Gravity Canyon.
Walk along the southern rim of Zero Gravity Canyon.
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Social trail leads into the canyon.
Social trail leads into the canyon.
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We ran along the left wall and jumped in because it was deep enough.
We ran along the left wall and jumped in because it was deep enough.
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Super pretty pothole - likely dangerous with too much water.
Super pretty pothole - likely dangerous with too much water.
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Entering final bit of narrows.
Entering final bit of narrows.
Stemming down climb.
Stemming down climb.
Down climb section.
Down climb section.
See that boulder toward the bottom? Stem across a 30-foot drop and down to that boulder. Either rappel off the bolt on the left or continue downclimbing, but go over the boulder. Apparently many people have gotten stuck by going under.
See that boulder toward the bottom? Stem across a 30-foot drop and down to that boulder. Either rappel off the bolt on the left or continue downclimbing, but go over the boulder. Apparently many people have gotten stuck by going under.
Shawn standing on the boulder, Josh stemming waiting his turn.
Shawn standing on the boulder, Josh stemming waiting his turn.
Me standing on the boulder watching Josh rappel down.
Me standing on the boulder watching Josh rappel down.
Halfway down the rappel, I stopped for a photo. You really could just downclimb the whole thing, but I recommend taking a rope.
Halfway down the rappel, I stopped for a photo. You really could just downclimb the whole thing, but I recommend taking a rope.
Looking back toward the rappel/down climb.
Looking back toward the rappel/down climb.
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Heading out of Zero Gravity Canyon.
Heading out of Zero Gravity Canyon.
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Social trail leads up and out of the wash and back to the trailhead.
Social trail leads up and out of the wash and back to the trailhead.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!