Along the Lovers Loop / Grass Mountain Trail.

The trail mostly follows a flowing creek for the first half 0.7 mile.

Grass Mountain see ahead.

A creek crossing.

Maple Canyon Trail junction. Keep right.

Leaving the Lovers Loop Trail and starting up the Grass Mountain Trail.

Gorgeous meadows before the trail gets steep.

View back the way we came.

Ascending through meadows and chaparral.

Grass Mountain seen ahead. You can see the trail along the sloped ridge left of center.

Starting up the steepness.

View back, the trailhead somewhere in the center of this photo.

Close-up at the initial bit up Grass Mountain.

Wider shot back at the steep trail.

The trail continues up to Grass Mountain.

View back the way we came.

A shot toward Los Olivos near the summit of Grass Mountain.

Zaca Peak seen on the right.

Along the narrower trail along the ridge. Ahead is a hump we'd have to ascend on the way to Zaca Peak and then on the way back.

Ascending the hump separating Grass Mountain and Zaca Peak, Zaca Peak poking out on the right.

Overall a good trail, though sometimes overgrown.

Meadow, forest, and bushy stuff along the way. A nice alternating combo.

Gorgeous wildflowers on the way to Zaca Peak.

Pretty meadows coming down from the hump. Zaca Peak seen ahead.

Along the trail, which leads to the western base of Zaca Peak.

View back toward Grass Mountain (left).

Off-trail, now heading up to Zaca Peak.

Very light Class 2, but sometimes loose.

View back, Zaca Lake seen on the right.

Close-up toward Zaca Lake.

Just below Zaca Peak's summit, a view toward Grass Mountain (left).

Zaca Peak summit, view toward Figueroa Mountain.
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