Starting along the Wyoming Peak Trail.

Views to the southwest.

Views northwest, toward the Salt River Range.

Getting higher on the Wyoming Peak Trail.

A shot back again. You can see the trailhead below on the left.

The trail emerges from the trees, Mount Coffin visible in the distance. The lighting is different because the previous photos were from on my way back, when the light was nicer.

Looking back.

Wyoming Peak seen ahead, Mount Coffin on the left.

Approaching the last bit to Wyoming Peak.

View back toward some unranked sub-peak called March Madness as I make my way up to Wyoming Peak.

Wyoming Peak summit.

Heading toward Mount Coffin next.

Tundra near the saddle, Mount Coffin ahead.

Rocky stuff along the crest at the base of Mount Coffin.

Some Class 2 side-hilling, but you can see the social trail materialize ahead. It's not always obvious.

View back toward Wyoming Peak.

Along the social trail, which leads along the crest.

Approaching the final cliff band protecting the summit.

On the left, the terrain is horrible. However, just left of the crest is a Class 2+ option (top center in this photo). It's not clear from below.

Close-up of the Class 2+ option.

View down at the Class 2+ option (left). Coming directly up would be too lose for my taste. Behind me is easier terrain.

Alternative to the not-so-obvious Class 2+ option (not recommended): An exposed Class 3 ledge move along the crest.

Summit of Mount Coffin, view toward Wyoming Peak.

Mount Coffin, view east.

Mount Coffin, view north.

I traversed on the west side of Wyoming Peak to get back from Mount Coffin. There was a social trail much of the way. Not pictured was rocky terrain that would be a little annoying if you can't find the social trail.

Looking back once I made it back along the Wyoming Peak Trail.
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