Leaving the road and heading into Woodruff Canyon. Mount Holmes visible top center.

Entering Woodruff Canyon.

View back toward the Henry Mountains as we descend Woodruff Canyon's sandy wash.

Ascent out of Woodruff Canyon to the rim above.

Class 2 slickrock, max. Woodruff Canyon visible center.

At the rim, navigating the slickrock humps required to reach Woody Canyon.

There are a bunch of ways to get there. Make sure you're heading generally south.

Nearing the head of Woody Canyon.

Close-up toward the sandstone humps as we descend to Woody Canyon.

First few potholes were an indicator we'd have no water.

Really pretty pothole, completely avoidable.

Lots of fun pothole obstacles.

Sandtrap first rappel. It's a pretty short drop, but we were happy to not down-climb.

More pothole obstacles. Since there was no water in this one, we were able to use a cute little arch at its base.

More fun climbs to escape the potholes, partner assist might be required for some.

Gorgeous section of narrows as we neared the end of Woody Canyon.

Short down-climb out of Woody Canyon.

Exiting Woody Canyon.

View back into Woody Canyon as we rejoin Woodruff Canyon.

After re-ascending the same Class 2 slab ramp, we navigated along the rim to reach the head of Woodsy Canyon.

Woodsy Canyon.

First rappel of Woodsy Canyon.

Bottom of rap 1.

Fun elevator down climb.

Beautiful sculpted narrows.

Very pretty last section of Woodsy Canyon.

One of the final obstacles before exiting Woodsy Canyon and entering Woodruff Canyon, which we followed back to the trailhead.
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