Woodchute Mountain in Prescott National Forest, AZ

Hike Woodchute Mountain Prescott National Forest, AZ

Class 1 7.9 miles 1100 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back May 6, 2019

Woodchute Mountain GPX Track

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The dirt road leading to the trailhead is passable by any vehicle. I followed the uneventful Woodchute Mountain Trail along a grassy ridge into the Woodchute Wilderness and up to the wide mesa housing the high point. The trail had minimal vertical gain until it changed personality and ascended to this mesa's rim. Just past the point when the trail flattened out, I left the trail and headed northwest through forested and viewless terrain until I reached the Woodchute Mountain high point. On the way back rather than retrace my steps, I headed east to make a detour back to the trail in order to follow it to its end, where I read about a nice viewpoint. This was a nice viewpoint overlooking Sedona's red rock formations far in the distance, along with Humphrey's Peak even farther away. I followed the trail back the way I came.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Woodchute Mountain
7840 ft
2900 rise

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Starting from the Woodchute Trailhead.
Starting from the Woodchute Trailhead.
Image 1 from gallery
Views toward Sedona along the Woodchute Trail.
Views toward Sedona along the Woodchute Trail.
Image 3 from gallery
The Woodchute Trail heads north along a ridgeline. There are some decent views, but it's pretty uneventful.
The Woodchute Trail heads north along a ridgeline. There are some decent views, but it's pretty uneventful.
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Image 8 from gallery
Looking back along the Woodchute Trail.
Looking back along the Woodchute Trail.
Woodchute Mountain visible center.
Woodchute Mountain visible center.
Entering Woodchute Wilderness.
Entering Woodchute Wilderness.
After entering the Woodchute Wilderness, where the trail gains elevation.
After entering the Woodchute Wilderness, where the trail gains elevation.
Looking back, Woodchute Tank visible on the right.
Looking back, Woodchute Tank visible on the right.
The Woodchute Trail gets to the top of the plateau and continues north, but I left the trail and entered a forested and easily-traveled area northwest to the summit.
The Woodchute Trail gets to the top of the plateau and continues north, but I left the trail and entered a forested and easily-traveled area northwest to the summit.
Woodchute Mountain summit isn't particularly interesting.
Woodchute Mountain summit isn't particularly interesting.
Back on the trail, headed north to the overlook.
Back on the trail, headed north to the overlook.
Approaching the overlook toward Sedona.
Approaching the overlook toward Sedona.
Sedona view, Humphrey's Peak visible on the left.
Sedona view, Humphrey's Peak visible on the left.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!