Starting from the Woodchute Trailhead.

Views toward Sedona along the Woodchute Trail.

The Woodchute Trail heads north along a ridgeline. There are some decent views, but it's pretty uneventful.

Looking back along the Woodchute Trail.

Woodchute Mountain visible center.

Entering Woodchute Wilderness.

After entering the Woodchute Wilderness, where the trail gains elevation.

Looking back, Woodchute Tank visible on the right.

The Woodchute Trail gets to the top of the plateau and continues north, but I left the trail and entered a forested and easily-traveled area northwest to the summit.

Woodchute Mountain summit isn't particularly interesting.

Back on the trail, headed north to the overlook.

Approaching the overlook toward Sedona.

Sedona view, Humphrey's Peak visible on the left.
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