From where we parked along the road, Windy Peak is seen right of center.

A social trail leads through the desert into the drainage on the south side of Windy Peak.

Ascending some light Class 2 along the social trail.

Steeper terrain as we ascend the slope on Windy Peak's south side.

View back down the drainage we came up from.

More steep hiking on a social trail.

Approaching the base of Windy Peak's southern cliffs.

The social trail continues through a wide notch, seen above.

Along the base of the cliffs, wrapping around toward Windy Peak's western slope toward the brushy-looking drainage ahead (right of center).

Continuing up the drainage to gain the western slope of Windy Peak.

Windy Peak just above. I believe there's an option to ascend directly from here, but the way we went follows a cairned route that starts up and then curves to the right, leading to a wide ledge/slab.

Looking back the way we came.

Cairns marked the way up some Class 2 slabs. It's less exposed here than it looks in the photo.

Curving to the left here away from the slab/ledge.

Class 2 up to higher ground.

The hike levels out a bit on this slickrock section. We continued east toward the summit.

View back the way we came.

Windy Peak summit, view toward Las Vegas.

Windy Peak summit, view toward Potosi Mountain.

Looking northwest toward the Keystone Thrust.

A shot of Windy Peak from the west (photo from 2017).

Just a shot of Mud Spring Canyon much farther north after my mishap in 2017 when attempting to make Windy Peak into a loop. Just keeping this here as a memory for myself ;)
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