Windy Peak, Pilot Peak, Flat Top Mountain in Dixie National Forest, UT

Hike Windy Peak, Pilot Peak, Flat Top Mountain Dixie National Forest, UT

Class 2 11.2 miles 3000 gain 4-6 hrs Loop May 7, 2021

Windy Peak, Pilot Peak, Flat Top Mountain GPX Track

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After researching potential hikes in the Bull Valley Mountains north of St. George, I stumbled on a trail called the Pilot Peak Trail, but there was no other information that I could find about this trail aside from the fact that it exists and has two trailheads. I was looking forward to seeing if it is in good enough shape to use to access a few of the peaks in its vicinity, Windy Peak, Pilot Peak, and Flat Top Mountain. Despite being called the "Pilot Peak Trail", the trail doesn't actually go to Pilot Peak. I began on the western end of the trail, which runs east to west. The alternative (eastern) trailhead is located at 37.50869, -113.78055. I highly recommend starting where I did though, since I could see the eastern trailhead from Pilot Peak's summit and it was far less pretty than my approach. I'll note that with a good enough vehicle you could drive almost up to the top of Flat Top Mountain, but that didn't sound as fun as this exploratory route.

I headed east from the trailhead through grassy terrain with some pretty granitic features in a lovely pastoral-looking landscape. The trail was pretty obvious after the first quarter mile once passing where cows seem to have trampled the route. I added a few cairns and in a couple of spots that confused me I blocked off with sticks, but really it's mostly just a nice trail that's easy enough to follow. After a couple of miles, the Pilot Peak Trail ascended a delightful grassy slope and reached a low ridge that separated Windy Peak from Flat Top Mountain. First I headed south toward Windy Peak, where a spur trail took me to basically just below the peak's northern slope. I really enjoyed this section with its nice views and wildflowers all around me, but the enjoyment ended as I ascended the steep and sometimes brushy slope to the summit. I can't recommend a particular "best" way up Windy Peak, except that there are animal trails to help, but expect to knock a few burly bushes out of the way.

Back at the saddle of Windy Peak and Flat Top Mountain, I decided I wanted to continue along the Pilot Peak Trail, meaning I'd be ending my hike by coming back to this saddle later from the north. The Pilot Peak Trail became a little more difficult to follow past the saddle, but there still wasn't any bushwhacking, just a bit of looking for the trail at times. I followed it along the southern base of Flat Top Mountain until it reached a gate on the west side of Pilot Peak. Past the gate, I headed east along the ridgeline paralleling a fenceline, passing over a bump, and then ascending on Class 2 rocky terrain to Pilot Peak's summit.

Back at the base of Pilot Peak, I scoped options to ascend Flat Top Mountain. It wasn't super clear just yet what would work best, so I started west along the fenceline and followed the path of least brush when possible. After an initial grassy slope, multiple pockets of big volcanic boulders start to appear. If you plan it well, these pockets of boulders allow you to avoid the otherwise extremely brushy terrain and I was grateful they existed. Getting from one pocket to another did require some short sections of brush. Faster than expected, I found myself at the very steep Class 2 final few feet to the rim of Flat Top Mountain. I checked out the view for a minute before following a very old and mostly faded dirt road as it headed west, leading to the south side of the high point of Flat Top Mountain. The road faded out completely and I headed north to the summit on a short Class 2 section with some brush-dodging. The views weren't great since it's just a mesatop, but the sweeping meadows were still a nice backdrop.

I dropped southwest from the summit of Flat Top Mountain and met up with a forest road that brought me directly south to the farthest tip of Flat Top Mountain. I looked down toward the saddle below (the one that is shared with Windy Peak) and started to descend. Initially I was really concerned about how bad the brush looked, but plenty of animal trails and open sections provided a mostly carefree hike to the saddle. I headed back west along the Pilot Peak Trail to my car.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Windy Peak
6855 ft
435 rise
Pilot Peak
6863 ft
323 rise
Flat Top Mountain
1229 ft
7309 rise

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Western trailhead for the Pilot Peak Trail.
Western trailhead for the Pilot Peak Trail.
The trail heads through a really pretty and unique landscape.
The trail heads through a really pretty and unique landscape.
View back the way I came.
View back the way I came.
Image 3 from gallery
Some weird rock formations shortly after the trail starts.
Some weird rock formations shortly after the trail starts.
Pilot Peak Trail leads through some nice meadows.
Pilot Peak Trail leads through some nice meadows.
Image 6 from gallery
Image 7 from gallery
Windy Peak comes into view.
Windy Peak comes into view.
Image 9 from gallery
View back as the trail ascends toward Windy Peak.
View back as the trail ascends toward Windy Peak.
The trail heads up toward the meadowy landscape ahead.
The trail heads up toward the meadowy landscape ahead.
Pilot Peak Trail winds around the grassy hills.
Pilot Peak Trail winds around the grassy hills.
Image 13 from gallery
Very pretty grassy section.
Very pretty grassy section.
Windy Peak comes into view.
Windy Peak comes into view.
View back the way I came (from within the trees on the left).
View back the way I came (from within the trees on the left).
At the saddle of Windy Peak and Flat Top Mountain.
At the saddle of Windy Peak and Flat Top Mountain.
A spur trail leads to just below Windy Peak.
A spur trail leads to just below Windy Peak.
Northern base of Windy Peak.
Northern base of Windy Peak.
View as I ascend animal trails up the steep Windy Peak. Flat Top Mountain visible up top.
View as I ascend animal trails up the steep Windy Peak. Flat Top Mountain visible up top.
Rough ascent to Windy Peak.
Rough ascent to Windy Peak.
Windy Peak summit, view south.
Windy Peak summit, view south.
Windy Peak summit, view west toward the Enterprise Reservoir (right) and Lost Peak (far left).
Windy Peak summit, view west toward the Enterprise Reservoir (right) and Lost Peak (far left).
Windy Peak summit, view toward Flat Top Mountain (left) and Pilot Peak (right). The Pilot Peak Trail follows the base of Flat Top Mountain.
Windy Peak summit, view toward Flat Top Mountain (left) and Pilot Peak (right). The Pilot Peak Trail follows the base of Flat Top Mountain.
Back along the Pilot Peak Trail, heading toward Pilot Peak.
Back along the Pilot Peak Trail, heading toward Pilot Peak.
View back toward Windy Peak. You can see the Pilot Peak Trail is a bit faded.
View back toward Windy Peak. You can see the Pilot Peak Trail is a bit faded.
Continuing along the base of Flat Top Mountain as I continue along the Pilot Peak Trail.
Continuing along the base of Flat Top Mountain as I continue along the Pilot Peak Trail.
View back toward Windy Peak.
View back toward Windy Peak.
Pilot Peak comes into view (center).
Pilot Peak comes into view (center).
Passive through some old fence.
Passive through some old fence.
View back toward Windy Peak and my progress along the trail.
View back toward Windy Peak and my progress along the trail.
Pilot Peak (right). The trail leads to the saddle visible center.
Pilot Peak (right). The trail leads to the saddle visible center.
At the saddle (Flat Top Mountain behind me), view toward Pilot Peak. I followed the fenceline.
At the saddle (Flat Top Mountain behind me), view toward Pilot Peak. I followed the fenceline.
Along the fenceline on a hump before Pilot Peak.
Along the fenceline on a hump before Pilot Peak.
Class 2 to Pilot Peak's summit.
Class 2 to Pilot Peak's summit.
Pilot Peak summit, view northeast. The Pilot Peak eastern trailhead is just down there.
Pilot Peak summit, view northeast. The Pilot Peak eastern trailhead is just down there.
Pilot Peak summit, view toward the route I came up. You can see the hump along the ridge to Pilot Peak (center), Flat Top Mountain (top right), and Windy Peak (top left). I headed back to the saddle of Pilot and Flat Top (center).
Pilot Peak summit, view toward the route I came up. You can see the hump along the ridge to Pilot Peak (center), Flat Top Mountain (top right), and Windy Peak (top left). I headed back to the saddle of Pilot and Flat Top (center).
Close-up toward Flat Top Mountain. My ascent led up right of center where the majority of the volcanic boulders are. They helped avoid most of the brush.
Close-up toward Flat Top Mountain. My ascent led up right of center where the majority of the volcanic boulders are. They helped avoid most of the brush.
Pilot Peak summit, view south.
Pilot Peak summit, view south.
Back at the saddle of Pilot Peak and Flat Top Mountain, heading toward Flat Top.
Back at the saddle of Pilot Peak and Flat Top Mountain, heading toward Flat Top.
Ascending the slope to the volcanic boulders that helped avoid brush.
Ascending the slope to the volcanic boulders that helped avoid brush.
View back down the slope of Flat Top Mountain I headed up (Class 2 section). You can see Pilot Peak in the center.
View back down the slope of Flat Top Mountain I headed up (Class 2 section). You can see Pilot Peak in the center.
At the rim of Flat Top Mountain. I headed over to the tower visible ahead where I picked up a degraded dirt road.
At the rim of Flat Top Mountain. I headed over to the tower visible ahead where I picked up a degraded dirt road.
Along the barely visible dirt road, heading toward the high point of Flat Top Mountain (center).
Along the barely visible dirt road, heading toward the high point of Flat Top Mountain (center).
Pretty wildflowers after the dirt road faded away.
Pretty wildflowers after the dirt road faded away.
Flat Top Mountain summit.
Flat Top Mountain summit.
Flat Top Mountain summit, view north.
Flat Top Mountain summit, view north.
I dropped down to the west onto a dirt road. View looking back toward Flat Top Mountain's summit.
I dropped down to the west onto a dirt road. View looking back toward Flat Top Mountain's summit.
I followed the dirt road south.
I followed the dirt road south.
View back toward Flat Top Mountain before leaving the rim.
View back toward Flat Top Mountain before leaving the rim.
Light bushwhacking down from Flat Top Mountain. Windy Peak visible left of center.
Light bushwhacking down from Flat Top Mountain. Windy Peak visible left of center.
Almost down from Flat Top Mountain, where I picked up the Pilot Peak Trail and headed back.
Almost down from Flat Top Mountain, where I picked up the Pilot Peak Trail and headed back.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!