Willow Hole via Rattlesnake Canyon in Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Hike Willow Hole via Rattlesnake Canyon Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Class 2 4.2 miles 1600 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Feb 5, 2016

Willow Hole via Rattlesnake Canyon GPX Track

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I originally had planned to hike to Willow Hole from the Boy Scout Trail (from the east), but more research revealed that it's a fairly popular trail. I was feeling something a bit more remote, so I poked around on a topographic map and discovered that Rattlesnake Canyon had a reasonable route to Willow Hole (from the northwest). Starting from the Indian Cove Trailhead, follow the flat wash of Rattlesnake Canyon that winds south for a bit before encountering a waterfall that apparently trickles water at some points during the year. It was unfortunately dry for me except for some pools of water. Until this point, I had no problem following the trail because of all the footprints, but the uphill battle starts here. Check out the slot canyon to the left before following the white rock slab to continue through Rattlesnake Canyon. After going about halfway up the canyon, turn left and up a difficult-looking boulder slide, toward Ratlesnake Spring. On my way up, I stayed too far right while ascending, where I definitely did some rough bouldering moves that I could have avoided, so I'd say try to stick to the white granite to avoid lots of difficult scrambling. That being said, it's still very slow-moving. Usually, if there is a section here with too big of a rock, rather than go around, look for a hole and explore the underground world created by the boulders. It's very unqiue and in my opinion, is the true reason for calling this area of Joshua Tree National Park the "Wonderland of Rocks". See photos below. You'll likely see some of the spots pictured, but also find lots that I didn't get to see. Explore away.

Anyway, once you get to the very top of the Rattlesnake Spring, noted by the fact that you're no longer ascending, turn right. It seems like many people explore deeper into the Wonderland of Rocks after coming from the Boy Scout Trail, so the footprints are misleading if you're coming from Rattlesnake Canyon. Head west and soon after turning, keep your eyes open for a small canyon ahead of you that looks like it threw up a bunch of boulders. Take that annoying scramble and continue west until you find the Willow Hole.

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After hiking up Rattlesnake Canyon, you'll get to this little oasis. Follow the least steep section up to enter the upper portion of Rattlesnake Canyon.
After hiking up Rattlesnake Canyon, you'll get to this little oasis. Follow the least steep section up to enter the upper portion of Rattlesnake Canyon.
At the top of that first little scramble, you see the start of the little slot canyon (more pics of this on my way back when the lighting was nicer).
At the top of that first little scramble, you see the start of the little slot canyon (more pics of this on my way back when the lighting was nicer).
Continue through Rattlesnake Canyon for a while, keeping your eyes open to the left where there's a reasonably scramble section.
Continue through Rattlesnake Canyon for a while, keeping your eyes open to the left where there's a reasonably scramble section.
It's more work than it looks, but follow the scramble to the top.
It's more work than it looks, but follow the scramble to the top.
Looking back into Rattlesnake Canyon from the scramble up toward Rattlesnake Spring. I took the not-cave route on the way up, not realizing there was a whole world beneath me. Cave pics on my way back.
Looking back into Rattlesnake Canyon from the scramble up toward Rattlesnake Spring. I took the not-cave route on the way up, not realizing there was a whole world beneath me. Cave pics on my way back.
At the top of the first major scramble, you'll see this gem.
At the top of the first major scramble, you'll see this gem.
A close-up of the water hole.
A close-up of the water hole.
Follow the footprints until you see that canyon in the distance (it looks like it threw up a bunch of rocks). Go into it.
Follow the footprints until you see that canyon in the distance (it looks like it threw up a bunch of rocks). Go into it.
A nice landscape before heading toward the scramble.
A nice landscape before heading toward the scramble.
Ugh, it takes forever. Thee boulders are big.
Ugh, it takes forever. Thee boulders are big.
At the top of the scramble, there's a nice crevasse leading toward the last bit of the rocky section.
At the top of the scramble, there's a nice crevasse leading toward the last bit of the rocky section.
Finally, done scrambling (until the way back).
Finally, done scrambling (until the way back).
Another nice little water source.
Another nice little water source.
Follow a sandy canyon west, almost there now!
Follow a sandy canyon west, almost there now!
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That's the way to Willow Hole.
That's the way to Willow Hole.
Truly is a Wonderland of rocks, aptly named.
Truly is a Wonderland of rocks, aptly named.
A close-up of the ridiculous mass of boulders.
A close-up of the ridiculous mass of boulders.
Willow Hole.
Willow Hole.
Willow Hole, and straight ahead is the end of the normal route to Willow Hole. From here, go back the way you came.
Willow Hole, and straight ahead is the end of the normal route to Willow Hole. From here, go back the way you came.
The first of many caves on the way down that major scramble.
The first of many caves on the way down that major scramble.
It's hard to explain where they all are, but exploring along the white-washed granite section of Rattlesnake Spring should lead you to some.
It's hard to explain where they all are, but exploring along the white-washed granite section of Rattlesnake Spring should lead you to some.
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And then, just wow. I came across this accidentally. The most incredible part of the hike.
And then, just wow. I came across this accidentally. The most incredible part of the hike.
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Image 27 from gallery
What an awesome surprise. The trickling water and quiet desert stopped my hike for a good half hour while I relaxed in this cave.
What an awesome surprise. The trickling water and quiet desert stopped my hike for a good half hour while I relaxed in this cave.
Heading back down Rattlesnake Canyon (this is looking up the canyon).
Heading back down Rattlesnake Canyon (this is looking up the canyon).
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Cool little pools before the slot canyon.
Cool little pools before the slot canyon.
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The slot canyon, also unexpected.
The slot canyon, also unexpected.
Looking down into the steep crevasse - you likely need ropes to go down this way.
Looking down into the steep crevasse - you likely need ropes to go down this way.
Looking out into Joshua Tree National Park.
Looking out into Joshua Tree National Park.
The trailhead is close.
The trailhead is close.
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Image 39 from gallery

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!