Wildcat and Swift Camp Creek Loop from Angel Windows in Daniel Boone National Forest, KY

Hike Wildcat and Swift Camp Creek Loop from Angel Windows Daniel Boone National Forest, KY

Class 1 5.8 miles 900 gain 3-5 hrs Loop Oct 20, 2016

Wildcat and Swift Camp Creek Loop from Angel Windows GPX Track

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I started off by checking out the Angel Windows, a few body-sized arches a short hike from the trailhead, before hitting this lesser-traveled loop. The arches are the most notable thing of the hike, and that's the most popular section. Really, this hike is just a nice loop for some solitude through Kentucky forests, with a brief section that follows Swift Camp Creek. Sections of trail skirt steep edges, providing nice forest overlooks. Along Swift Camp Creek, the trail often hugs the watercourse pretty closely and has to weave around big boulders. There are also some pretty big sandstone rock bluffs.

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Along the short trail to Angel Windows.
Along the short trail to Angel Windows.
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Angel Windows.
Angel Windows.
Some pretty sandstone bluffs at the end of the Angel Windows trail.
Some pretty sandstone bluffs at the end of the Angel Windows trail.
Starting along the Wildcat Trail (southern section of the loop).
Starting along the Wildcat Trail (southern section of the loop).
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The trail is really pretty, but mostly just forested.
The trail is really pretty, but mostly just forested.
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A short section along Swift Camp Creek before the trail heads a bit higher along the slope.
A short section along Swift Camp Creek before the trail heads a bit higher along the slope.
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Along Swift Camp Creek.
Along Swift Camp Creek.
The trail weaves through boulders.
The trail weaves through boulders.
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Some really pretty bluffs.
Some really pretty bluffs.
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More pretty rock formations along the loop.
More pretty rock formations along the loop.
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I followed the road back to the Angel Windows trailhead.
I followed the road back to the Angel Windows trailhead.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!