Starting along the Whiteface Mountain Trail, a short section of descent along a road.

Whiteface Mountain Trail. Marble Mountain is the name for a minor bump near the viewpoint I'd pass along the trail. Weird that the signage reads this minor bump with no reference to Whiteface Mountain.

Steep, straight line up to Marble "Mountain".

Marble Mountain viewpoint, looking south.

Marble Mountain viewpoint, looking west toward the ridge leading to Whiteface Mountain.

The trail becomes more pleasant after leaving the steep, straight line. It heads up Whiteface Mountain's east ridge.

Some minor sections of typical Adirondack rocky trails.

Junction with Esther Mountain. I continued to Whiteface Mountain first.

A section of light Class 2 boulder-hopping for a bit.

The trail hugs this rock wall created for the road leading to the summit.

The trail meets the road and continues on the ridge on the left side of this photo (Class 2 move).

Looking back before I leave the road.

Whiteface Mountain becomes visible at the top of the ridge.

Very pretty views (despite the fog) as I ascend to the summit of Whiteface Mountain.

Whiteface Mountain ahead.

Whiteface Mountain.

I returned to the junction with the Esther Mountain Trail and headed that way.

First, the trail ascends over Lookout Mountain before continuing to Esther Mountain. It's barely a noticeable bump.

Esther Mountain summit.
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