White Rock Hills High Point in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, NV

Hike White Rock Hills High Point Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, NV

Class 2 4.9 miles 3200 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Jun 30, 2019

White Rock Hills High Point GPX Track

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White Rock Spring Peak and White Rock Hills High Point, the larger neighbor to White Rock Spring Peak. However, it snowed a lot relative to the area and I apparently forgot that fact, and stopped at the summit of White Rock Spring Peak despite hoping to bag both peaks. I went back on a cloudy June day before the heat rolled in to attempt this route again, so excuse the obvious difference in photos from winter to summer.

Starting from the White Rock Trailhead, I got onto a social trail leading up the obvious east ridge of White Rock Spring Peak, which had some short Class 2 sections. I've seen beta for two peaks being the highest point, and the one farther west had the summit register. I got both just in case. A couple of Class 2+ moves led me to the second summit.

From White Rock Spring Peak, I worked back a bit to avoid cliffs on its south side and instead followed a social trail west, curving back around to regain the ridge. It was a somewhat unpleasant loose slope, but once I got back to the ridge, this turning into a fun hike of route-finding and interesting scrambling. I can't describe it well in words nor pictures, but there were cairns marking the way, and doing any moves harder than easy Class 3 means there's an easier way.

On the way back, I opted to follow a southeast draining gully, choked with brush. I'd recommend just going back the same way, as it would probably have been less effort. I left both routes on my attached map.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
White Rock Spring Peak
5977 ft
440 rise
White Rock Hills High Point
6462 ft
982 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting at the White Rock Trailhead, you can see White Rock Hills High Point on the left and White Rock Spring Peak right.
Starting at the White Rock Trailhead, you can see White Rock Hills High Point on the left and White Rock Spring Peak right.
Headed along the Class 2 ridgeline.
Headed along the Class 2 ridgeline.
Image 2 from gallery
Looking back toward the Calico Hills (center).
Looking back toward the Calico Hills (center).
Image 4 from gallery
Approaching the east summit of White Rock Spring Peak. I've read different labels for the two high points up here, but you have to pass over the eastern peak to get to the western one regardless. The register is on the western peak.
Approaching the east summit of White Rock Spring Peak. I've read different labels for the two high points up here, but you have to pass over the eastern peak to get to the western one regardless. The register is on the western peak.
Image 6 from gallery
Some Class 2 moves (maybe Class 2+ because the snow made it feel harder?)
Some Class 2 moves (maybe Class 2+ because the snow made it feel harder?)
White Rock Spring Peak summit, looking west toward White Rock Hills HP.
White Rock Spring Peak summit, looking west toward White Rock Hills HP.
White Rock Spring Peak looking back toward the ridge I came up.
White Rock Spring Peak looking back toward the ridge I came up.
Jump ahead a few months, I returned to complete the route. This is a photo looking west along the social trail that leads around the cliffs surrounding White Rock Spring Peak (see map).
Jump ahead a few months, I returned to complete the route. This is a photo looking west along the social trail that leads around the cliffs surrounding White Rock Spring Peak (see map).
Working around the northwest side of White Rock Spring Peak. White Rock Hills High Point ahead.
Working around the northwest side of White Rock Spring Peak. White Rock Hills High Point ahead.
Looking back at the cliffs surrounding White Rock Spring Peak - I came around on the left side in this photo.
Looking back at the cliffs surrounding White Rock Spring Peak - I came around on the left side in this photo.
Continuing along the ridge.
Continuing along the ridge.
Image 14 from gallery
There were a couple of gullies like this that helped avoid Class 4/5 stuff.
There were a couple of gullies like this that helped avoid Class 4/5 stuff.
Image 16 from gallery
Looking at a particularly interesting section of Class 2/3, where ledges lead up.
Looking at a particularly interesting section of Class 2/3, where ledges lead up.
Continuing along the ridge. It's pretty slow-moving, but fun.
Continuing along the ridge. It's pretty slow-moving, but fun.
Looking back at my progress so far. White Rock Spring Peak visible on the right.
Looking back at my progress so far. White Rock Spring Peak visible on the right.
More fun Class 2/3.
More fun Class 2/3.
Toward the top, cairns pointed me to the left (southeast) to avoid potentially serious climbing just along the ridge.
Toward the top, cairns pointed me to the left (southeast) to avoid potentially serious climbing just along the ridge.
Looking back.
Looking back.
Class 2 slope on the southeast side of White Rock Hills HP.
Class 2 slope on the southeast side of White Rock Hills HP.
Almost at the summit, view south.
Almost at the summit, view south.
Last bit to the summit.
Last bit to the summit.
Looking down at some Class 3 stuff.
Looking down at some Class 3 stuff.
Summit block of White Rock Hills HP.
Summit block of White Rock Hills HP.
White Rock Hills HP, view north along the ridge I ascended.
White Rock Hills HP, view north along the ridge I ascended.
On the way back, I chose to take a brushy gully. I recommend just re-ascending White Rock Spring Peak and returning the same way.
On the way back, I chose to take a brushy gully. I recommend just re-ascending White Rock Spring Peak and returning the same way.
Image 30 from gallery
White Rock Hills HP (left), White Rock Spring Peak (right), and the gully I descended (center/right).
White Rock Hills HP (left), White Rock Spring Peak (right), and the gully I descended (center/right).

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!