Starting at the White Rock Trailhead, you can see White Rock Hills High Point on the left and White Rock Spring Peak right.

Headed along the Class 2 ridgeline.

Looking back toward the Calico Hills (center).

Approaching the east summit of White Rock Spring Peak. I've read different labels for the two high points up here, but you have to pass over the eastern peak to get to the western one regardless. The register is on the western peak.

Some Class 2 moves (maybe Class 2+ because the snow made it feel harder?)

White Rock Spring Peak summit, looking west toward White Rock Hills HP.

White Rock Spring Peak looking back toward the ridge I came up.

Jump ahead a few months, I returned to complete the route. This is a photo looking west along the social trail that leads around the cliffs surrounding White Rock Spring Peak (see map).

Working around the northwest side of White Rock Spring Peak. White Rock Hills High Point ahead.

Looking back at the cliffs surrounding White Rock Spring Peak - I came around on the left side in this photo.

Continuing along the ridge.

There were a couple of gullies like this that helped avoid Class 4/5 stuff.

Looking at a particularly interesting section of Class 2/3, where ledges lead up.

Continuing along the ridge. It's pretty slow-moving, but fun.

Looking back at my progress so far. White Rock Spring Peak visible on the right.

More fun Class 2/3.

Toward the top, cairns pointed me to the left (southeast) to avoid potentially serious climbing just along the ridge.

Looking back.

Class 2 slope on the southeast side of White Rock Hills HP.

Almost at the summit, view south.

Last bit to the summit.

Looking down at some Class 3 stuff.

Summit block of White Rock Hills HP.

White Rock Hills HP, view north along the ridge I ascended.

On the way back, I chose to take a brushy gully. I recommend just re-ascending White Rock Spring Peak and returning the same way.

White Rock Hills HP (left), White Rock Spring Peak (right), and the gully I descended (center/right).
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