Starting from the White Rock Trailhead, follow the standard trail (initially just a wash with lots of footprints) toward Arizona Hot Spring.

Headed along the Arizona Hot Springs Trail. The trail leaves the wash up ahead.

The trail leads out of the wash and up into higher ground.

Arizona Hot Springs Trail, Fortress Peak visible center.

Continuing down along the Arizona Hot Springs Trail as it descends into a wash below.

About to enter the wash that eventually leads down to Arizona Hot Springs.

We turned right just after entering the main canyon and instead went up the drainage in the center of this photo. White Rock Canyon Peak visible top left.

Kailey scrambling out of the drainage, Fortress Peak visible top right.

Class 2 slope. White Rock Canyon Peak visible top right.

Looking back the way we came, Fortress Peak visible center.

Approaching west side of White Rock Canyon Peak.

Wrapping around the north side of White Rock Canyon Peak.

Wrapping further around the peak until we couldn't go anymore, and we came to this gully, which I'm standing in. Kailey checking out White Rock Canyon below and the drop just below the crux.

Close-up into White Rock Canyon.

Kailey climbing next to the chockstone on the sturdier rock. We tossed the rope over the rock outcropping visible on the right. I belayed her from the opposite side of the rock (out of frame on the right).

Class 3 scrambling ahead after the initial Class 5 below. You can see the chockstone on the left.

Looking back down, chockstone visible right. Kailey belayed me from the left in this photo, and I climbed up from on the right. Obviously I'm not longer protected in this photo after emerging over the rock outcropping, but I was still attached to the rope.

White Rock Canyon Peak summit, view south toward Fortress Peak.

White Rock Canyon Peak, view north toward the Hoover Dam.

The lighting changed here because it's a different day. This is a shot toward Fortress Peak on the way down from White Rock Canyon Peak. I headed into the wash on the top left in this photo to access the north side of Fortress Peak.

Just off the Arizona Hot Spring Trail heading toward the base of Fortress Peak, seen center.

Northern slope leading up to the weakness in Fortress Peak.

Looking back toward the Arizona Hot Spring canyon (left). The trail came from the hills on the right. You can see white Rock Canyon Peak on the left.

Approaching some loose Class 2.

Move slowly on this brittle rock.

Here's the sketchy Class 2+/3 section. While the climbing is minimal, the exposure is scary and the slope is angled enough to make me hold my breath.

Looking down the second section of sketchiness. It's just steep, loose rock with a big drop below.

A series of Class 2+ on somewhat sturdier rock leads to the lip of Fortress Peak. This was taken at the lop, looking toward the Arizona Hot Spring canyon (left), the trail comes down from those hills in the center.

Approaching the Fortress Peak summit.

Fortress Peak summit, looking southeast.

Fortress Peak summit, looking northwest. Fortification Hill on the distant right.

Add-on photo: Sunset looking toward White Rock Canyon Peak's east face (and White Rock Canyon on the right) on the way across the northeast ridge (alternate approach, seen as a blue line on my attached map).
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