Cedar Run and Whiteoak Canyon Loop in Shenandoah National Park, VA

Hike Cedar Run and Whiteoak Canyon Loop Shenandoah National Park, VA

Class 1 8.2 miles 2300 gain 3-5 hrs Loop May 19, 2016

Cedar Run and Whiteoak Canyon Loop GPX Track

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The Cedar Run and Whiteoak Canyon Loop is a classic Shenandoah National Park hike that leads through two hollows to form a scenic loop with an overwhelming number of waterfalls. You could start the hike from the east side of the park from the Whiteoak Canyon Trailhead, but I was already on Skyline Drive and decided to start from the high point, the Hawksbill Gap Parking Area. I did the hike clockwise, starting down Cedar Run. The wateraflls along Cedar Run are smaller, but very interesting. There are pretty cascades, a narrow gorge in the watercourse, and even a slickrock waterslide.

After passing the lower trailhead, I continued north along the Whiteoak Canyon Trail, which has a bunch of more intense, taller falls. Most are named some variation of "Whiteoak Falls", and all are delightful. From the top of the trail, I took a left and followed the Whiteoak Fire Road. This ook me back to my trailhead, but it's a wide and pretty boring portion of the hike.

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Starting along the Cedar Run Trail.
Starting along the Cedar Run Trail.
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Nice little waterfalls along the way.
Nice little waterfalls along the way.
Even though the waterfalls start of small, they're cute and add great forest water sounds as I descended Cedar Run.
Even though the waterfalls start of small, they're cute and add great forest water sounds as I descended Cedar Run.
A cool slickrock waterslide within Cedar Run.
A cool slickrock waterslide within Cedar Run.
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A narrow section within the watercourse.
A narrow section within the watercourse.
Reaching the lower sections of the Cedar Run potion of the loop.
Reaching the lower sections of the Cedar Run potion of the loop.
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Along the Whiteoak Canyon Trail.
Along the Whiteoak Canyon Trail.
Lower Whiteoak Falls.
Lower Whiteoak Falls.
Another shot at Lower Whiteoak Falls.
Another shot at Lower Whiteoak Falls.
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Gorgeous waterfalls within Whiteoak Canyon.
Gorgeous waterfalls within Whiteoak Canyon.
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A viewpoint along the Whiteoak Canyon Trail, a view toward Upper Whiteoak Falls.
A viewpoint along the Whiteoak Canyon Trail, a view toward Upper Whiteoak Falls.
Farther up toward the end of the Whiteoak Canyon Trail.
Farther up toward the end of the Whiteoak Canyon Trail.
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The Whiteoak Fire Road, which led me back to the Hawksbill Parking Area.
The Whiteoak Fire Road, which led me back to the Hawksbill Parking Area.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!