Old cars at the trailhead.

We followed an old mining road and passed these mining ruins. Whipple Mountains High Point is visible top center somewhere. We entered the wash seen here.

Within the wash, making progress to the base of Whipple Mountains HP.

View back within the wash.

Some cute obstacles within the wash.

We left the wash, navigated some arroyos, and entered this drainage coming down from the base of the peak.

Ascending the drainage.

Some Class 2 dryfalls along the way.

Pretty slickrock as well.

Continuing through the drainage. The ridge I'd use as a descent option later is visible up top.

Interesting terrain within the drainage.

More nice slickrock.

There's the high point (or at least the ridge leading to the high point).

At the head of the drainage. Now we'd be ascending the slope in the center to the base of the cliff band, also center. From there, we wrapped left around it.

View back, the drainage we ascended from visible left of center. Peak 3292 visible top right, the route I'd take later on the way back.

After ascending the slope and wrapping left around the cliff band, we side-hilled on a social trail (some of the time) at the base of the cliff.

View back, Peak 3292 visible center.

Class 2 to get up over the cliff band.

Above the cliff band and on a slope. You can see the west ridge of Whipple Mountains High Point above.

View back, Peak 3293 visible right of center. The drainage we came out of is center.

Along the slope, the summit visible top left.

Summit visible above Avery's head.

Along the east ridge leading to the summit.

Whipple Mountains High Point summit, view toward Lake Havasu.

Whipple Mountains High Point, view east toward the more interesting Whipple peaks.

Whipple Mountains High Point, view west. Peak 3292 visible on the right, below.

On the way back, I headed up to Peak 3292. Avery continued back down the drainage, left.

Class 2 up to Peak 3292. I avoided the difficult-looking rock outcrops by staying to the left.

Peak 3292 summit, view toward Whipple Mountains High Point.

Pleasant ridge walk on the way down, with some bumps along the way.

View to the west into the drainage we ascended earlier.

Straightforward jaunt down the ridge and back into the wash we ascended.

Almost at the bottom of the ridge where I'd meet up with our earlier ascent route and head back to the car.
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