The trailhead (Matterhorn Creek Trailhead) for Wetterhorn Peak, about a half mile or so from where I parked.

Looking back toward the trailhead and the sunrise, gorgeous Matterhorn Creek to my left.

Some mountains ahead.

Looking back toward the switchbacks through a small meadow, the trailhead below.

Matterhorn Peak to the right, Wetterhorn Peak to the left. A tiny tent can be seen on the left.

From within the boulder field leading to the base of Wetterhorn Peak, looking back toward the valley and Matterhorn Creek.

Boulder field heading toward Wetterhorn Peak.

Looking back after the boulder field toward Matterhorn Peak and Uncompahgre Peak far behind in the morning haze.

Almost at the ridge leading to Wetterhorn Peak.

Wetterhorn Peak to the right, weird colors along the ridge.

At the top of the ridge overlooking the San Juan mountains, before ascending to Wetterhorn Peak.

Looking back along the ridge, Matterhorn and Uncompahgre to the left, the trail on the right.

Approaching the scrambles, nothing third class yet.

A fun scramble of solid rock.

Looking back at the Class 2 scramble. Pretty easy route-finding, with lots of cairns.

Along the rocky ridgeline, looking back toward the route I just came.

The notch before the third class section.

Close-up of the notch. Scramble up to get to...

...the third class section! The shadowy spot is where the scramble slab is. Don't fall.

The slab close-up, toward the top. A bit exposed, but nothing too difficult.

Looking down the third class section.

The trail follows a cool ledge before getting to the last easy scramble.

Looking down the last scramble before the summit of Wetterhorn Peak.

From the summit of Wetterhorn Peak, looking toward Matterhorn Peak, Uncompahgre Peak in the distance.

Another view from the Wetterhorn Peak summit.

Heading back down Wetterhorn Peak before the boulder field, Uncompahgre Peak in the distance.

Wetterhorn Peak in the distance, on the way to Uncompahgre.

Sheep herd blocking the trail, a dog (and then another, and another) barking at me. I made a massive detour around the whole herd to avoid dog drama. You can see the top of Uncompahgre here.

After avoiding the herd of sheep and back on the trail, looking back to see Wetterhorn Peak peeping in the middle.

The walk from Wetterhorn's base to Uncompahgre's base seems to take a long time. It might be because you have to walk to the opposite end of Uncompahgre before starting the summit, the mountain looming the whole time.

A little stream crossing, the first ridge to ascend in the distance.

The start of the ascent to Uncompahgre Peak, Wetterhorn Peak in the distance.

Wide-open grasslands along this section.

Looking back the way I came.

Eventually, Uncompahgre Peak becomes visible.

Looking back toward the grasslands.

A random notch in the cliffside, allowing a view of Wetterhorn.

Looking back at the trail, following the cliffside.

A false summit after a few switchbacks.

Some more views of Wetterhorn Peak after the long ascent through the grasslands.

The hardest class 2 crumbly scramble section.

The slope make sit hard to figure out where the summit is.

Surprise! Another false summit.

The final little bit of uphill before the summit.

Summit of Uncompahgre, looking north.

Summit of Uncompahgre, looking toward Wetterhorn Peak.
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