West Spanish Peak in San Isabel National Forest, CO

Hike West Spanish Peak San Isabel National Forest, CO

Class 2 7.4 miles 2900 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Oct 4, 2019

West Spanish Peak GPX Track

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West Spanish Peak is a fairly prominent Colorado 13er and is the taller of the two Spanish Peaks. I started from Cordova Pass, taking the standard route for the peak. The trail headed along the initially mostly flat terrain to the base of West Spanish Peak, where the surprisingly well-traveled and pretty well maintained trail through steep talus and scree led to the summit. There's a false summit a bit before the high point, so make sure to go a little farther to reach the peak. There are some really incredibly vast views in all directions.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
West Spanish Peak
13626 ft
3666 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Along the West Peak Trail.
Along the West Peak Trail.
Gorgeous trail through some meadows. West Spanish Peak visible ahead.
Gorgeous trail through some meadows. West Spanish Peak visible ahead.
And through forest.
And through forest.
Image 3 from gallery
Image 4 from gallery
Approaching West Spanish Peak.
Approaching West Spanish Peak.
Base of West Spanish Peak. A fairly easy to follow trail leads up the talus/scree.
Base of West Spanish Peak. A fairly easy to follow trail leads up the talus/scree.
Making progress from the peak's base.
Making progress from the peak's base.
View back along the trail toward Cordova Pass, where I came from.
View back along the trail toward Cordova Pass, where I came from.
More progress up the talus/scree.
More progress up the talus/scree.
Close-up of the terrain.
Close-up of the terrain.
Almost to the summit of West Spanish Peak.
Almost to the summit of West Spanish Peak.
West Spanish Peak summit ahead, view toward East Spanish Peak.
West Spanish Peak summit ahead, view toward East Spanish Peak.
West Spanish Peak summit, view back the way I came.
West Spanish Peak summit, view back the way I came.
Close-up of some crazy dikes to the north.
Close-up of some crazy dikes to the north.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!