Dam crossing over Saddlebag Lake.

Wrapping around Saddlebag Lake. Excelsior Mountain got a dusting of snow.

North Peak seen left, Shepherd Crest right.

Passing Greenstone Lake.

Approaching the base of a waterfall, North Peak above.

View back on our way toward the waterfall.

The trail leads up on the right slope of the waterfall.

View back toward Saddlebag Lake, center.

The trail continues on the north side of Conness Lakes.

A short talus field past the lowest Conness Lake.

View back toward the lower Conness Lake.

At the upper Conness Lake.

View down at the upper Conness Lake.

Steep social trail up the slope to gain North Peak Pass.

Mount Conness to the south.

Approaching North Peak Pass.

From North Peak Pass, a view toward Sheep Peak (center) and West Sheep Peak (left).

Significant descent to the wide drainage separating North Peak from the Sheep Peaks.

View back toward North Peak.

Contouring on the slope, Class 2 at times. Sheep Peak top right.

Mount Conness and Roosevelt Lake.

View back toward North Peak.

Approaching a steep chute on the shoulder of Sheep Peak. It might be easier to just ascend a bit higher if there's too much snow in the chute.

Up the chute center.

We kept to the right within this chute since left was too snowy, Class 3.

View back down the chute. North Peak seen top right. We came from the little tarn top left.

Above the chute, heading to West Sheep Peak, seen right of center.

Lots of boulder-hopping on the way to West Sheep Peak.

View back at the bouldery terrain.

Approaching the summit of West Steep Peak. Keep left around it for an easier Class 2 option, Class 3 with some exposure if you go directly along the crest.

West Sheep Peak, view south into Tuolomne Meadows.

View back, Sheep Peak left, North Peak center, Mount Conness right.

West Sheep Peak, view northwest.

Now on the way up to Sheep Peak.

We dropped of the sketchy crest, keeping below on the right.

Navigating large boulders below the crest. We scrambled up when a weakness appeared.

View back down toward the little tarn from earlier as we neared the ridge crest.

Sheep Peak ahead.

View back along the Sheep Peak ridge crest.

Class 2+ up to the summit.

Class 2+ to the summit.

Summit of Sheep Peak, view toward North Peak (left) and Mount Conness (center).

After descending back to the tarn, a view back up toward Sheep Peak.

We backtracked to the base of North Peak and headed up.

View back toward Sheep Peak as we ascend to North Peak.

Class 2 along the slope.

More progress up North Peak.

North Peak ahead. Twenty Lakes Basin seen below.

Summit of North Peak, a view of Mount Conness (left) and the Sheep Peaks (right).

North Peak, view toward Excelsior Mountain and north.

Close-up toward Lundy Canyon and Twenty Lakes Basin.

On our way down from North Peak, Mount Conness above.
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