West Partner Peak and East Partner Peak Loop in White River National Forest, CO

Hike West Partner Peak and East Partner Peak Loop White River National Forest, CO

Class 4 13.3 miles 5700 gain 8-11 hrs Loop Sep 4, 2017

West Partner Peak and East Partner Peak Loop GPX Track

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I hiked up the Booth Lake Trail, not going all the way to the lake. Instead, I veered right away from the trail once the Booth Lake Trail exited tree line and entered tundra. From here I took a grassy slope to the north in order to gain the south ridge of West Partner Peak (Peak U). Class 3 brought me to the summit from here. To begin the traverse from West to East Partner Peaks, I backtracked along the south ridge and headed east.

The traverse from West Partner Peak to East Partner Peak doesn't exceed Class 4 if you are careful. There is one section toward the beginning of the Partner Peaks Traverse along the ridge that is likely Class 5, a set of outcroppings that are avoidable by keeping to the ridge's southern base. I was able to climb back up to the crest shortly after avoiding these. Along the ridge was plenty of fun Class 3/4 scrambling, often on loose rock with exposure on either side. I believe much of the dangerous parts are avoidable if you stick to the southern side of these pinnacles and head back to the ridge when you feel its safer. You can also bail at many points and just head down to Pitkin Lake.

The traverse eases up near the saddle of the two peaks, but more fun Class 2/3 scrambling continues to the summit of East Partner Peak (aka Peak V). From its summit I continued down its southern ridge on fun Class 3 rock until the ridge turns west and leads down grassy slopes to Pitkin Lake, where I picked up the Pitkin Lake Trail  and followed it back to the trailhead. I hiked a short section of pavement on the frontage road back to my car.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
West Partner Peak
13041 ft
561 rise
East Partner Peak
13057 ft
577 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting along the Booth Lake Trail.
Starting along the Booth Lake Trail.
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Image 2 from gallery
Image 3 from gallery
Higher up along the Booth Lake Trail.
Higher up along the Booth Lake Trail.
Booth Falls.
Booth Falls.
Top of Booth Falls, looking back.
Top of Booth Falls, looking back.
Image 7 from gallery
Image 8 from gallery
Emerging above tree line. I left the Booth Lake Trail shortly after this.
Emerging above tree line. I left the Booth Lake Trail shortly after this.
Heading up the gully to gain the south ridge of West Partner Peak.
Heading up the gully to gain the south ridge of West Partner Peak.
Looking back the way I came, starting up the gully.
Looking back the way I came, starting up the gully.
Nearing the south ridge.
Nearing the south ridge.
Looking back down the gully I came up. The valley seen center is where the Booth Lake Trail came from.
Looking back down the gully I came up. The valley seen center is where the Booth Lake Trail came from.
Looking north along the ridge to West Partner Peak.
Looking north along the ridge to West Partner Peak.
Looking back along the ridge. Pitkin Lake on the left, Booth Lake on the right.
Looking back along the ridge. Pitkin Lake on the left, Booth Lake on the right.
Continuing up the south ridge.
Continuing up the south ridge.
Avoidable knife edge along the south ridge.
Avoidable knife edge along the south ridge.
Looking back along the south ridge.
Looking back along the south ridge.
Looking back, Pitkin Lake blocked by the big rock formation in the middle. East Partner Peak on the left, West Partner Peak south ridge on the right.
Looking back, Pitkin Lake blocked by the big rock formation in the middle. East Partner Peak on the left, West Partner Peak south ridge on the right.
Summit view on West Partner Peak looking toward Booth Lake (right).
Summit view on West Partner Peak looking toward Booth Lake (right).
I headed back down a bit from the West Partner Peak summit to find a way to gain the ridge to East Partner Peak.
I headed back down a bit from the West Partner Peak summit to find a way to gain the ridge to East Partner Peak.
Along the traverse. Seen ahead are some Class 5 slabs I turned around at to leave the ridge momentarily.
Along the traverse. Seen ahead are some Class 5 slabs I turned around at to leave the ridge momentarily.
Just to the right of the ridge looking for a way up.
Just to the right of the ridge looking for a way up.
A dirty gully leads back to the ridge and lots of Class 4.
A dirty gully leads back to the ridge and lots of Class 4.
Getting back on the ridge was fun. Solid rock.
Getting back on the ridge was fun. Solid rock.
Along the ridge traverse.
Along the ridge traverse.
A particularly treacherous section. I went through a cracked rock and stemmed up to get to this spot, but surely there are other ways.
A particularly treacherous section. I went through a cracked rock and stemmed up to get to this spot, but surely there are other ways.
Looking back, you can see my cracked rock (reddish) on the right that helped me continue along the ridge. The spot directly below me was definitely some dangerous scrambling, but fun.
Looking back, you can see my cracked rock (reddish) on the right that helped me continue along the ridge. The spot directly below me was definitely some dangerous scrambling, but fun.
More fun scrambling.
More fun scrambling.
Looking back toward West Partner Peak.
Looking back toward West Partner Peak.
The scrambling eases up as you get to the saddle, where a grassy field gives you a nice rest, and a bail out point if you're over it.
The scrambling eases up as you get to the saddle, where a grassy field gives you a nice rest, and a bail out point if you're over it.
Some route-finding on Class 3/4 stuff to continue along the ridge, while heading up to East Partner. I have no idea what my route was, making it seem like there are many ways to get there.
Some route-finding on Class 3/4 stuff to continue along the ridge, while heading up to East Partner. I have no idea what my route was, making it seem like there are many ways to get there.
Some gully, Pitkin Lake in the background.
Some gully, Pitkin Lake in the background.
Ascending to East Partner Peak.
Ascending to East Partner Peak.
East Partner Peak summit. Pitkin Lake on the left, West Partner Peak on the right.
East Partner Peak summit. Pitkin Lake on the left, West Partner Peak on the right.
Looking along the south ridge of East Partner Peak, Pitkin Lake on the right. That's where I am headed.
Looking along the south ridge of East Partner Peak, Pitkin Lake on the right. That's where I am headed.
Fun Class 3 section along the slab in front of me.
Fun Class 3 section along the slab in front of me.
Image 38 from gallery
Looking back up the Class 3 scramble to East Partner Peak.
Looking back up the Class 3 scramble to East Partner Peak.
My valley (Pitkin Lake Trail) to get complete the loop behind this cool rock formation.
My valley (Pitkin Lake Trail) to get complete the loop behind this cool rock formation.
Looking back toward East Partner Peak.
Looking back toward East Partner Peak.
Descending toward Pitkin Lake.
Descending toward Pitkin Lake.
Image 43 from gallery
Looking back toward the East Partner Peak south ridge. I came down the grassy slope on the right.
Looking back toward the East Partner Peak south ridge. I came down the grassy slope on the right.
Almost at Pitkin Lake.
Almost at Pitkin Lake.
Image 46 from gallery
West Partner Peak on the left, East Partner Peak on the right, Pitkin Lake in front of me.
West Partner Peak on the left, East Partner Peak on the right, Pitkin Lake in front of me.
Heading down the Pitkin Lake Trail.
Heading down the Pitkin Lake Trail.
Looking back the way I came, West Partner in the distance.
Looking back the way I came, West Partner in the distance.
Image 50 from gallery
Image 51 from gallery
Looking back, the south slope of East Partner visible.
Looking back, the south slope of East Partner visible.
Image 53 from gallery
Image 54 from gallery
Image 55 from gallery
The trail ends at a frontage road. Follow it for a mile back to the Booth Lake Trailhead.
The trail ends at a frontage road. Follow it for a mile back to the Booth Lake Trailhead.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!