View from my parking spot toward West Maria Benchmark. The canyon I headed to is visible on the left.

Approaching the canyon, I kept just right of the drainage to avoid brush/rock.

I started into the canyon.

Class 2/3 obstacles through the canyon.

A fun and lightly cryptic set of Class 2/3 moves.

Farther up the canyon.

Looking back through the canyon.

At this spot that seemed to be a junction of sorts, I kept left and headed up more fun scrambling on the lighter-colored rock.

Looking back down the canyon from the top of the lighter-colored rock scramble.

I left the canyon before its head (visible top left) to avoid brush, instead ascending on the right on Class 2 terrain.

Along the summit ridge to West Maria Benchmark.

West Maria Benchmark ahead.

West Maria Benchmark, view south.

West Maria Benchmark, view west back along the ridge.
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