Peralta Canyon Trailhead.

Hiking along the Peralta Canyon Trail. Pretty and popular.

Progress up the trail.

View back down the Peralta Canyon Trail.

Nearing Fremont Saddle.

View back down the Peralta Canyon Trail from just below the saddle.

Fremont Saddle, view toward Weavers Needle.

Descending north from Fremont Saddle.

Farther down from Fremont Saddle as we wrap around to the west side of Weavers Needle.

Weavers Needle looks very different from the west side, where you can see its buttes. Obviously the north side is taller. We left the Peralta Canyon Trail at a cairn, but as you can see the terrain is generally pretty brushy and rocky so I don't think you can leave at a specifically ideal spot. We descended into a small wash and then re-ascended onto the slope ahead, keeping generally to the left of the pinnacle-filled rock outcropping.

Wrapping around the pinnacles. Class 2/3 at times.

Making progress up the steep slope. The west chimney is visible center.

We found a social trail that led into the gully that would lead to our chimney.

View back toward the Peralta Canyon Trail (in shadows). You can see the pinnacle-filled rock outcropping we avoided in the center of this photo.

Entering the gully.

Class 2/3 slabs.

Class 4 move. It's harder than it looks from below.

View down the Class 4 move. It's awkward and sloped with not great holds.

Mike snagged this close-up of me coming up the Class 4 move. You can see why it's a bit tricky in this shot.

Mike starting up the West Chimney of Weavers Needle. He free-soloed.

Chris clipped into some bolts before starting up.

I came up on top-rope, view back down at the first bit of the climb.

Continuing up the chimney.

Higher up, closer to the chockstone.

View back, just below the chockstone.

Chockstone crawl-through, very cool.

Chris at the notch, view back the way we came.

At the notch, a quick shot down at the more standard East Chimney route.

The Class 4 headwall from the notch. Mike stayed left, Chris and I took the crack below the plants on the right.

View down at the Class 4 headwall.

Lots of fun Class 2/3 scrambling for a few hundred feet.

View back toward the notch, center.

Another fun move coming up, center.

Close-up at the Class 3 move.

Just past the fun Class 3 move is this exposed Class 3 section. Chris is seen center in the gully. Just past him is another exposed Class 3 move to escape the gully. The holds are incredibly good, and I loved this section of the scramble.

View back down the exposed, fun Class 3. The notch we came up from visible top left. It was scarier than it appears in this photo, but the very good quality rock made it more fun than scary in practice.

Class 2 to the summit.

Weavers Needle summit, view south.

Weavers Needle summit, view north.

View down into Peralta Canyon, where we came out from.

On the way down, another shot of the fun Class 3 exposed section below the summit.

Another shot on the way down. I loved this route.
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