Follow a sandy trail into Water Canyon.

Entrance to Water Canyon. You come out the same way after the rappels.

Really pretty grotto.

Heading up the left side of the canyon. It's pretty easy to follow, but you may need to backtrack in spots to find the route.

A section where the entrance route intersects with the canyoneering route.

Getting out of the canyon and starting the steep ascent.

Looking back down Water Canyon.

Beautiful trail up the side of the cliff.

After lots of gain, arrive at Top Rock. Continue past it until you get to a wash.

The wash marking the start of Water Canyon.

Head of Water Canyon, looking down the route.

Short narrow section willed with water before the first big rappel. This is avoidable.

First and longest rappel.

Super pretty.

Narrow section opens up. There are lots of avoidable rappels if you want to just downclimb, but the raps tend to land in water, so don't miss the fun.

Me prepping to rappel.

A rappel that comes through that crack in the wall. Obviously, you could just downclimb just upcanyon, but where's the fun in that?

Me rapping down one of the longer rappels.

The last rappel, next to a tiny waterfall.

Back at the grotto.
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