Wah Wah Mountains High Point in Wah Wah Mountains BLM, UT

Hike Wah Wah Mountains High Point Wah Wah Mountains BLM, UT

Class 2 3.4 miles 1600 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back May 17, 2021

Wah Wah Mountains High Point GPX Track

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Wah Wah Mountains High Point is a remote peak in Utah's West Desert, accessible by any vehicle. I parked at a pull-out at a hairpin turn before the road started deteriorating and started generally north up a very steep forested slope. It's not quite a bushwhack since the foliage is spread out enough to allow for walking without obstacles. A few hundred feet of ascending and the slope narrowed into a ridge and became a bit more mellow. There was some tree-dodging required, but otherwise minimal bushwhacking. About halfway up to the summit, I encountered some light Class 2, but it's barely notable. Dodging trees toward the summit became a bit more of a chore, but it was short-lived. The views were okay from the summit, but forested in most directions.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Wah Wah Mountains High Point
9393 ft
3084 rise

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No warm up after leaving the car - just straight up the steep slope.
No warm up after leaving the car - just straight up the steep slope.
View back down the slope. My car's down there in the center somewhere.
View back down the slope. My car's down there in the center somewhere.
Continuing up the steep slope. Some minor tree-dodging.
Continuing up the steep slope. Some minor tree-dodging.
At the top of the steep slope, a view toward the false summit of Wah Wah Mountains High Point ahead.
At the top of the steep slope, a view toward the false summit of Wah Wah Mountains High Point ahead.
View back as I head along the ridge.
View back as I head along the ridge.
Minor Class 2 ahead to gain a hump along the ridge.
Minor Class 2 ahead to gain a hump along the ridge.
At the top of the hump, view toward Wah Wah Mountains High Point.
At the top of the hump, view toward Wah Wah Mountains High Point.
View back along the ridge.
View back along the ridge.
Heading up to the summit along the final ascent slope.
Heading up to the summit along the final ascent slope.
View back. It's pretty easy-going with some minor bushwhacking.
View back. It's pretty easy-going with some minor bushwhacking.
Last bit of brush to the summit.
Last bit of brush to the summit.
Wah Wah Mountains High Point, view west toward Indian Peak.
Wah Wah Mountains High Point, view west toward Indian Peak.
Wah Wah Mountains High Point, view north.
Wah Wah Mountains High Point, view north.
Wah Wah Mountains High Point, view south.
Wah Wah Mountains High Point, view south.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!