Class 3 6.8 miles 2300 gain 2-4 hrs Loop Oct 27, 2022

Wabayuma Peak GPX Track

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Wabayuma Peak is a high-prominence peak in the Hualapai Mountains, located south of the much better-known Hualapai Peak. It's in a remote area and takes a lot of effort to reach the trailhead, though the hike itself is a trail for much of the time. To reach the trailhead, head east on a graded road here (34.84931, -114.11087). I was unpleasantly surprised when the road deteriorated well before I thought it would, resulting in a slower and longer drive than anticipated. Crossover vehicles should be able to make it, though the switchbacks around here (34.93805, -113.91136) get rockier and steeper and I engaged 4WD once for peace of mind. Once along the ridge, the drive becomes easy again until the trailhead.

After collecting my nerves from the drive (I've recently gotten two flat tires, and I'm way the hell out here), I set out along the Wabayuma Peak Trail, which is mostly an old roadbed converted into a hiking trail. It's overgrown enough that it certainly doesn't feel like a road, and I found myself enjoying the ridgeline walk quite a bit. Idyllic remote Arizona chaparral mountain views were in all directions, made more enjoyable by the lack of bushwhacking typical for the region. The trail gains about 800 vertical feet before descending a couple hundred to reach a saddle on Wabayuma Peak's southwest face, though I was still a distance from the peak itself.

I left the old road remains and located a cairned trail that began ascending the slope. It was actually in pretty good shape, though the brush encroached enough to snag my legs and arms a few times. The trail switchbacked a bit as it seemed to be deciding where on the slope face it wanted to ascend. It emerged into more forested terrain and beelined through pines up to a false summit. Here the trail seemed to end completely except for a few cairns, so I continued northwest just below a second false summit, where Wabayuma Peak came into view. I was actually pretty surprised to see how rocky and cool the summit looked from here since I actually hadn't seen any photos of the peak before now. I had a moment of excitement at the potential for a scramble.

Separating me from the peak was a brushy-looking slope that seemed like it needed some unpleasant sidehilling. Instead, I recommend dropping a hundred feet into the conifers below to avoid the slope and instead use the somehow very different forested terrain to reach the saddle on Wabayuma Peak's southeast side. Once there, I headed up the somewhat brushy slope to reach the start of some Class 2 scrambling, leading to a flatter section with a nice view of the summit block. To gain the summit, a lightly exposed Class 3 set of fun moves leads left of some brush and up to Wabayuma Peak.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Wabayuma Peak
7601 ft
1521 rise

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Wabayuma Peak Trailhead.
Wabayuma Peak Trailhead.
You can see the rocky southeast slope (false summit) of Wabayuma Peak ahead. The trail heads along the ridgeline.
You can see the rocky southeast slope (false summit) of Wabayuma Peak ahead. The trail heads along the ridgeline.
Progress along the ridgeline.
Progress along the ridgeline.
View back. You can see the road I came in on (right).
View back. You can see the road I came in on (right).
After a pretty gradual ascent, the trail descends a bit.
After a pretty gradual ascent, the trail descends a bit.
False summit seen ahead. The trail wraps around the lump seen center.
False summit seen ahead. The trail wraps around the lump seen center.
Wrapping around a lump.
Wrapping around a lump.
Approaching the base of the false summit, where the road sort of ends. The trail continues up the slope in the center, switchbacking around the little gully in the center of this photo.
Approaching the base of the false summit, where the road sort of ends. The trail continues up the slope in the center, switchbacking around the little gully in the center of this photo.
I left the road-trail and started up this overgrown trail.
I left the road-trail and started up this overgrown trail.
View back.
View back.
Ascending the trail as it heads up the slope on Wabayuma Peak's southeast side.
Ascending the trail as it heads up the slope on Wabayuma Peak's southeast side.
Image 11 from gallery
Image 12 from gallery
View back at the ridgeline I came along earlier.
View back at the ridgeline I came along earlier.
The chapparal makes way for some pines.
The chapparal makes way for some pines.
View back just before reaching the false summit.
View back just before reaching the false summit.
A second false summit seen ahead.
A second false summit seen ahead.
View back the way I came as I avoid the second false summit.
View back the way I came as I avoid the second false summit.
View back, Copper World Peak seen right of center. I wanted to hike to that one today as well, but it would probably be a hell of a bushwhack.
View back, Copper World Peak seen right of center. I wanted to hike to that one today as well, but it would probably be a hell of a bushwhack.
A nice view of Wabayuma Peak. I recommend dropping into the trees below rather than side-hilling.
A nice view of Wabayuma Peak. I recommend dropping into the trees below rather than side-hilling.
Close-up of Wabayuma Peak.
Close-up of Wabayuma Peak.
Ascending to the peak's southeastern saddle.
Ascending to the peak's southeastern saddle.
Class 2 and some brush initially.
Class 2 and some brush initially.
View back. I came from the rocky outcrop just left of center in this photo.
View back. I came from the rocky outcrop just left of center in this photo.
After some Class 2, a flatter section before the summit block.
After some Class 2, a flatter section before the summit block.
Class 3 ahead.
Class 3 ahead.
Class 3 option leads left of the brush.
Class 3 option leads left of the brush.
View back down at the Class 3.
View back down at the Class 3.
Wabayuma Peak, view back the way I came (south). The Class 3 section is seen on the right.
Wabayuma Peak, view back the way I came (south). The Class 3 section is seen on the right.
Class 3 section from another angle. The summit is just behind me.
Class 3 section from another angle. The summit is just behind me.
Wabayuma Peak summit block (Class 2).
Wabayuma Peak summit block (Class 2).
Wabayuma Peak, view toward Hualapai Peak.
Wabayuma Peak, view toward Hualapai Peak.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!