Venado Peak and Latir Peak via Bull Creek in Carson National Forest, NM

Hike Venado Peak and Latir Peak via Bull Creek Carson National Forest, NM

Class 1 14.6 miles 4100 gain 7-10 hrs Loop Sep 23, 2018

Venado Peak and Latir Peak via Bull Creek GPX Track

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I've been on a kick with exploring New Mexico's mountain ranges this year, and somehow the Latir Peak Wilderness eluded me, so I decided to take a break from the rough scrambles of Colorado and enjoy a pleasant trail up to a couple of bald peaks, Venado Peak and Latir Peak. From Cabresto Lake, follow the well-maintained Bull Creek Trail to the junction with itself. I took the left fork, later returning from the right fork. Head up the trail to the saddle of Venado Peak and Cabresto Peak, where the trail starts to become more and more faint and then disappears, cairns marking the way through the alpine meadows. Head up to Venado Peak (which is slightly off the official trail, but only for about a quarter mile), and then continue to Latir Peak (also slightly off-route), before heading back down the meadows, looking for a big cairn marking the end of the trail-less meadows and easily followed trail down to Heart Lake. Follow the Bull Creek Trail back to the junction, and retrace to Cabresto Lake.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Venado Peak
12734 ft
2971 rise
Latir Peak
12708 ft
308 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting out from Cabresto Lake.
Starting out from Cabresto Lake.
Looking back toward Cabresto Lake.
Looking back toward Cabresto Lake.
Along the Bull Creek Trail.
Along the Bull Creek Trail.
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Image 4 from gallery
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Bull Creek Trail starts to open up.
Bull Creek Trail starts to open up.
Image 7 from gallery
Bull Creek Trail, about to head up to the saddle between Cabresto Peak and Venado Peak.
Bull Creek Trail, about to head up to the saddle between Cabresto Peak and Venado Peak.
Approaching the saddle.
Approaching the saddle.
Looking back the way I came.
Looking back the way I came.
Looking toward Venado Peak (center).
Looking toward Venado Peak (center).
Looking toward Cabresto Peak (right) on my way to Venado Peak.
Looking toward Cabresto Peak (right) on my way to Venado Peak.
Venado Peak ahead.
Venado Peak ahead.
Image 14 from gallery
Looking back the way I came, following cairns through the meadow since there's no trail. You can see Cabresto Peak on the right.
Looking back the way I came, following cairns through the meadow since there's no trail. You can see Cabresto Peak on the right.
Latir Peak up there somewhere in the middle, but first, I took a right and bagged Venado Peak.
Latir Peak up there somewhere in the middle, but first, I took a right and bagged Venado Peak.
Approaching Venado Peak.
Approaching Venado Peak.
Image 18 from gallery
Venado Peak, looking toward Virsylvia Peak.
Venado Peak, looking toward Virsylvia Peak.
Venado Peak, looking toward Latir Peak.
Venado Peak, looking toward Latir Peak.
Back on the trail toward Latir Peak.
Back on the trail toward Latir Peak.
Looking toward the ridge to Latir Peak.
Looking toward the ridge to Latir Peak.
Image 23 from gallery
Looking back toward Venado Peak and Virsylvia Peak.
Looking back toward Venado Peak and Virsylvia Peak.
Latir Peak ahead.
Latir Peak ahead.
Latir Peak just past those people.
Latir Peak just past those people.
Laitr Peak, looking back toward Venado Peak (right).
Laitr Peak, looking back toward Venado Peak (right).
Latir Lakes to the east.
Latir Lakes to the east.
Continuing along the grassy ridge.
Continuing along the grassy ridge.
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Image 31 from gallery
Heart Lake below.
Heart Lake below.
Heading down the Bull Creek Trail to Heart Lake.
Heading down the Bull Creek Trail to Heart Lake.
Looking back toward the ridge I came down from.
Looking back toward the ridge I came down from.
Heart Lake.
Heart Lake.
Continuing down the Bull Creek Trail.
Continuing down the Bull Creek Trail.
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Image 38 from gallery
Image 39 from gallery
Image 40 from gallery
Image 41 from gallery

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!