Starting along the Swamp Canyon Trail (road on the left).

About to cross a creek just past that gate ahead.

Along the Swamp Canyon Trail, leaving the dirt road (left) at an easy-to-miss junction.

Along the Swamp Canyon Trail. V3 on the right up there somewhere, the cliffs of US Grant in the center. Swamp Canyon Trail continues later up the valley on the left.

Looking back along the Swamp Canyon Trail shortly before leaving it to head up to V3.

The minor bushwhack after leaving the Swamp Canyon Trail. You can see the saddle on the north side of V3 ahead, center.

Looking back as we ascend to the saddle.

Class 2 talus, almost at the saddle.

At the saddle, continuing south toward V3.

Looking back toward the saddle and back the way we came (right). The Swamp Canyon Trail is on the top right somewhere.

Still talus before becoming awful scree. It will be very tempting to head to the wide notch in the center of this photo, but the true route heads just right of Whiley's head to a lesser, narrow gully at the top of the scree.

Looking down as we ascend the scree. You can see the saddle we came from below on the left.

Close-up at Whiley on the crap scree, looking back toward the saddle.

At the gully.

Looking down the gully.

Here's the spot we messed up. We went up the rocks in the center since they are more solid, but I definitely recommend keeping to the left up the dirt gully. It's not fun, but much safer.

Close-up of Whiley in the dirt gully. She's facing the wrong way because I took this photo on the way down, oops.

Continuing up the awful Class 3+ gully.

At the top of the steep, loose gully.

Continuing up to V3 along the ridge. Keep left of the rock outcropping ahead to keep the rest of the route Class 2.

V3 summit, view toward the Vermilion group.

V3 summit, view toward US Grant. It's so close, but that ridgeline is laughably scary-looking.

Whiley at the summit of V3.

Back on the Swamp Canyon Trail, headed south toward Swamp Pass.

Looking back just before reaching Swamp Pass.

Swamp Pass. To access, ascend the lighter-colored orange slope. It's steep, but less bad than it looks from far away.

Ascending to Swamp Pass. Switchbacks were available to aid in ascending.

Looking down just below Swamp Pass, back the way we came.

Swamp Pass, view toward Island Lake. We descended a very nice trail down to the lake.

On the south side of Island Lake as we hiked around its perimeter, view toward US Grant (right) and V4 (left). Our route ascends to the saddle of the two. Starting from here is the standard S Grant route. There were lots of people around Island Lake, all of whom I somehow managed to avoid in photos.

Looking back toward Island Lake after the trail ended and we began ascending to the US Grant/V4 saddle.

Continuing to the saddle.

Grassy slope turns into V2 talus.

US Grant/V4 saddle, view back toward Island Lake.

First up, US Grant Peak.

Looking back toward the saddle and V4.

Social trail leading up US Grant was in great shape.

Class 2.

Looking back toward V4.

Approaching the classic Ulysses S Grant scramble. Whiley is heading across the short ridge and through the little rock hoodos.

Whiley starting up the Class 4 headwall.

Looking down at Whiley on the Class 4 headwall.

Starting along the exposed Class 2+ ledges.

Looking back at Whiley on the ledges, a Class 2+ spot. Exposed, but not difficult. You can see the small ridge and hoodoos we just went through in the center. She's facing the wrong way again because I took this photo on the way back ;)

After the ledges wrapped around the peak for a bit, we entered this lovely gully.

Class 2 up the gully with interesting rock.

US Grant ridgeline.

US Grant summit, view toward V3. We were there earlier! So much effort for so little distance.

Looking toward V4 on our way down from US Grant. Our route will start at the saddle, head along the somewhat visible social trail to the gravely-looking less-steep slope in the center of the photo, before we would use that slope to ascend to the ridge.

Back at the saddle and heading along the social trail toward V4.

At the less-steep section, heading up the previously-pictured gravely-looking spot to get to the V4 ridgeline.

Looking back toward US Grant and the US Grant/V4 saddle.

Almost on the V4 ridgeline. The route wraps around the ridge and keeps to the south of some rocky crap.

We passed over the ridge at the top of the shadowy stuff in this photo, now on the south side of V4's ridge.

Class 2/3 along the V4 ridge to the summits.

Whiley ascending V4, Ice Lake visible below.

One of the two V4 peak Class 3 summit blocks. I'm not sure which was higher, but both scrambles are similar to this.

V4 summit, view toward Pilot Knob and Golden Horn, the Wilsons group out there on the right.

Close-up toward Ice Lake.

Back at Island Lake, heading back to Swamp Pass (visible top center). What's a little more vertical gain? Ha.

From Swamp Pass, continuing toward V2. South Lookout Peak visible on the left. That's a peak for another day.

Looking back toward Island Lake, US Grant, and V4.

V2 summit.

Continuing along V2's ridgeline to get nice views of Clear Lake to the north.

V2 summit, view toward Island Lake and Ice Lake peeking out in the center. V4 top right.

Whiley on the V2 ridge before we headed back along the Swamp Canyon Trail.
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