Upper Grapevine Canyon and Sacatone Wash Loop in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV

Hike Upper Grapevine Canyon and Sacatone Wash Loop Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV

Class 3 7.3 miles 1400 gain 3-5 hrs Loop Apr 16, 2018

Upper Grapevine Canyon and Sacatone Wash Loop GPX Track

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I initially wanted to just see the pretty grapevines within Grapevine Canyon, but this turned into a much more adventurous and exploratory mission. Early today, I hiked Spirit Mountain, and along the drive, I noticed some gorgeous rock pinnacles at a ridgeline in the distance. I wanted to see them up-close, but thought I would figure out some route that night. I ended up getting there sooner via this backcountry route.

From the Grapevine Canyon trailhead, walk along a sandy wash and check out some petroglyphs before entering the canyon to see its beautiful granite slabs and grapevines the canyon is named after. A social trail continues up Grapevine Canyon for a while, and incredible rock pinnacles appear in all directions, a totally unexpected experience. I still didn't know how far I would walk at this point, but I eventually decided to head up a side canyon out of Grapevine Canyon's main branch and followed it for a while as the boulders got more difficult to maneuver. Eventually after gaining a bit of elevation and hopping around boulders, I realized how late it was getting and decided to commit to getting to the ridgeline to see the pinnacles up-close. Looking at a topo map, Sacatone Wash to the north seemed to be a nice canyon that would make this adventure into a loop, rather than return on the rough boulders I had ascended. I didn't know how the opposite side of the pinnacle-filled ridge would turn out, nor if Sacatone Wash had any technical drops, but I was inspired and committed. So that was that.

After finally making it to the ridge after some really fun boulder-hopping, I took in the views of Spirit Mountain and the granite pinnacles surrounding me, and found a resonable way down the opposite side of the ridge, encountering a few Class 3 moves and lots of confusing obstacles. Definitely fun stuff, with great scenery. Eventually I made it down and located the head of Sacatone Wash, which I followed with only a few Class 2 obstacles on more beautiful slick granite toward the end. I also passed a massive boulder on a pedestal that seemed impossible to be still standing (see photo below). The route was a success!

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting up toward Grapevine Canyon.
Starting up toward Grapevine Canyon.
Petroglyphs on either side of the canyon opening.
Petroglyphs on either side of the canyon opening.
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Entering Grapevine Canyon.
Entering Grapevine Canyon.
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Beautiful granite shortly after entering Grapevine Canyon. Do a mini scramble up the side of this to continue up the canyon.
Beautiful granite shortly after entering Grapevine Canyon. Do a mini scramble up the side of this to continue up the canyon.
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The grapevines the canyon is named after.
The grapevines the canyon is named after.
A social trail takes you easily through the grapevines.
A social trail takes you easily through the grapevines.
Grapevine Canyon opens up a bit, amazing rock pinnacles stretching in all directions.
Grapevine Canyon opens up a bit, amazing rock pinnacles stretching in all directions.
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A few sections with trees within Grapevine Canyon.
A few sections with trees within Grapevine Canyon.
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I took a million photos of this canyon and its pinnacles in the distance. It was a totally unexpected treat.
I took a million photos of this canyon and its pinnacles in the distance. It was a totally unexpected treat.
Entering a small section of narrows.
Entering a small section of narrows.
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Another cool rock feature (center), a thin pinnacle.
Another cool rock feature (center), a thin pinnacle.
Looking back down Grapevine Canyon.
Looking back down Grapevine Canyon.
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My side route out of Grapevine Canyon in attempt to get to a point along the rock pinnacles ridgeline.
My side route out of Grapevine Canyon in attempt to get to a point along the rock pinnacles ridgeline.
Looking back as the scrambling gets more difficult.
Looking back as the scrambling gets more difficult.
I took the left canyon around that big rock at this point, and it worked fine. Class 3 move here and there.
I took the left canyon around that big rock at this point, and it worked fine. Class 3 move here and there.
Continuing up that left canyon. Slickrock and boulder hopping the whole way up to the ridgeline.
Continuing up that left canyon. Slickrock and boulder hopping the whole way up to the ridgeline.
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Looking back - I came up from the left there. That big rock is the same one pictured a few photos ago, but from above.
Looking back - I came up from the left there. That big rock is the same one pictured a few photos ago, but from above.
Ridgeline just ahead! The rock pinnacles were just as cool up here as they looked from below. My goal was to make it to the sandy spot on the right. You can see Spirit Mountain in the distance on the right.
Ridgeline just ahead! The rock pinnacles were just as cool up here as they looked from below. My goal was to make it to the sandy spot on the right. You can see Spirit Mountain in the distance on the right.
Saddle from the ridgeline looking toward Spirit Mountain.
Saddle from the ridgeline looking toward Spirit Mountain.
I found a reasonable route down, just to the east of the saddle.
I found a reasonable route down, just to the east of the saddle.
Spirit Mountain above, Class 3 boulder hopping below.
Spirit Mountain above, Class 3 boulder hopping below.
Lots of boulders to crawl under and over. If you don't pull a couple Class 3 moves on the way down, you did a better job route-finding than I did.
Lots of boulders to crawl under and over. If you don't pull a couple Class 3 moves on the way down, you did a better job route-finding than I did.
Approaching the bottom of the scramble.
Approaching the bottom of the scramble.
Looking back up the way I came (left somewhere (I think?))
Looking back up the way I came (left somewhere (I think?))
One more shot of Spirit Mountain with another cool pinnacle.
One more shot of Spirit Mountain with another cool pinnacle.
I met up with Sacatone Wash. This is looking toward the amazing pinnacles. My route down from the saddle is the low point on the far left.
I met up with Sacatone Wash. This is looking toward the amazing pinnacles. My route down from the saddle is the low point on the far left.
Starting down Sacatone Wash.
Starting down Sacatone Wash.
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Another ridiculously cool rock formation.
Another ridiculously cool rock formation.
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Granite slabs within Sacatone Wash.
Granite slabs within Sacatone Wash.
Close-up of the route to go still. You can see the dirt road way down there.
Close-up of the route to go still. You can see the dirt road way down there.
Such a cool section of granite.
Such a cool section of granite.
How the hell is that boulder perched up there? What a crazy thing.
How the hell is that boulder perched up there? What a crazy thing.
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Lots of mini Class 2 obstacles on slick granite rock within Sacatone Wash.
Lots of mini Class 2 obstacles on slick granite rock within Sacatone Wash.
Looking back up Sacatone Wash.
Looking back up Sacatone Wash.
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Sacatone Wash on the left.
Sacatone Wash on the left.
Looking back at the sunset while hiking the last mile or so along the dirt road to complete the loop.
Looking back at the sunset while hiking the last mile or so along the dirt road to complete the loop.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!