Entering the Phoenix Mountains Preserve.

A quick side-hike to Peak 1987 using a social trail.

Along the social trail to Peak 1987.

Light Class 2 to Peak 1987.

Onward to TwoBit Peak.

TwoBit Peak Trail.

Ascending the switchbacking trail.

Last push to the summit of TwoBit Peak.

TwoBit Peak summit, view toward Piestewa Peak.

Unmarked trail leading from the TwoBit Trail to the Quartz Ridge Trail.

At a minor saddle, view back along the Quartz Ridge Trail, Peak 1987 from earlier seen center.

Along the Quartz Ridge Trail, Piestewa Peak seen top right.

View back toward the minor saddle.

Quartz Ridge Trail, a facny house under construction ahead. Peak 2112 seen left, and Peak 2141 seen right.

Approaching Peak 2112. No trail.

Ascending Peak 2112.

Summit ridge of Peak 2112.

Peak 2112, view toward TwoBit Peak (right).

Onward to Peak 2141, seen left.

Just below the summit of Peak 2141, view back.

Peak 2141 summit ahead, Piestewa Peak on the right.

Onward along Trail #8A.

Peak 1955 ahead.

Ascending to the saddle on Peak 1955's west side.

Ascending to the saddle, view back at Piestewa Peak seen top right.

Last bit to Peak 1955, a nice trail.

Peak 1955 summit.

I dropped north and navigated a web of trails back to the trailhead.
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