TwoBit Peak and Phoenix Mountains Loop in Phoenix Mountains Preserve, AZ

Hike TwoBit Peak and Phoenix Mountains Loop Phoenix Mountains Preserve, AZ

Class 2 7.9 miles 2700 gain 3-5 hrs Loop Mar 31, 2024

TwoBit Peak and Phoenix Mountains Loop GPX Track

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This loop reaches a bunch of minor peaks in the Preserve, excluding the high point Piestewa Peak, a nice romp around the Phoenix Mountains Preserve I thought would be the best way to cure a hangover from the previous night's music festival. You can create all sorts of loops in this overly-trailed urban park, but the route I took seemed the most efficient way to summit all my peak goals. I started on the north side of the Preserve at the 40th Street Trailhead. I hiked south on a flat mountain biking trail, taking a quick detour to hike up to Peak 1987. There's apparently a trail up this peak from the east side, but I was able to locate a faint social trail coming from the west and it worked nicely, introducing some very light Class 2 toward the summit.

I continued south to TwoBit Peak, which seems to be also known as Dixie Peak, but signage within the Preserve labels it as the former so I'll stick with that. The trail to its summit is in great shape and quite popular, switchbacking tightly to its south ridge before a final hike to the summit. Rather than backtrack all the way down the TwoBit Peak Trail, I noticed another unlabeled social trail leading west just before the switchbacks and took this to join the Quartz Ridge Trail.

The Quartz Ridge Trail ascended to a minor saddle before continuing south toward the N 36th Trailhead. A fancy house was currently under construction, and while their view will probably be quite nice, the home is a great big wealthy eyesore for everyone else. Peak 2112 was next, an off-trail jaunt across from the trailhead. It was steep and a little rocky/loose at times. The summit is unclear since the ridge has a few small bumps, but with some Class 2 scrambling I reached each of them.

Next up was Peak 2141, a hike on Trail #8B all the way up to a nice view toward Piestewa Peak and the various other summits on my loop. Below I could see the popular main trailhead for the Preserve. I then continued north on Trail #8A to reach the base of my final summit, Peak 1955. There are a ridiculous number of intersecting trails you can use to reach the peak, but the goal is to reach a steep one that climbs to Peak 1955's western saddle, where its summit is easily reached from there. I headed north from here and was soon back down to the desert floor where another swath of too-many intersecting trails made getting back to the trailhead a slight process.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Peak 1987
1987 ft
427 rise
TwoBit Peak (Dixie Mountain)
2429 ft
689 rise
Peak 2112
2112 ft
372 rise
Peak 2141
2141 ft
361 rise
Peak 1955
1955 ft
335 rise

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Entering the Phoenix Mountains Preserve.
Entering the Phoenix Mountains Preserve.
A quick side-hike to Peak 1987 using a social trail.
A quick side-hike to Peak 1987 using a social trail.
Along the social trail to Peak 1987.
Along the social trail to Peak 1987.
Light Class 2 to Peak 1987.
Light Class 2 to Peak 1987.
Onward to TwoBit Peak.
Onward to TwoBit Peak.
TwoBit Peak Trail.
TwoBit Peak Trail.
Ascending the switchbacking trail.
Ascending the switchbacking trail.
Last push to the summit of TwoBit Peak.
Last push to the summit of TwoBit Peak.
TwoBit Peak summit, view toward Piestewa Peak.
TwoBit Peak summit, view toward Piestewa Peak.
Unmarked trail leading from the TwoBit Trail to the Quartz Ridge Trail.
Unmarked trail leading from the TwoBit Trail to the Quartz Ridge Trail.
At a minor saddle, view back along the Quartz Ridge Trail, Peak 1987 from earlier seen center.
At a minor saddle, view back along the Quartz Ridge Trail, Peak 1987 from earlier seen center.
Along the Quartz Ridge Trail, Piestewa Peak seen top right.
Along the Quartz Ridge Trail, Piestewa Peak seen top right.
View back toward the minor saddle.
View back toward the minor saddle.
Quartz Ridge Trail, a facny house under construction ahead. Peak 2112 seen left, and Peak 2141 seen right.
Quartz Ridge Trail, a facny house under construction ahead. Peak 2112 seen left, and Peak 2141 seen right.
Approaching Peak 2112. No trail.
Approaching Peak 2112. No trail.
Ascending Peak 2112.
Ascending Peak 2112.
Summit ridge of Peak 2112.
Summit ridge of Peak 2112.
Peak 2112, view toward TwoBit Peak (right).
Peak 2112, view toward TwoBit Peak (right).
Onward to Peak 2141, seen left.
Onward to Peak 2141, seen left.
Just below the summit of Peak 2141, view back.
Just below the summit of Peak 2141, view back.
Peak 2141 summit ahead, Piestewa Peak on the right.
Peak 2141 summit ahead, Piestewa Peak on the right.
Onward along Trail #8A.
Onward along Trail #8A.
Peak 1955 ahead.
Peak 1955 ahead.
Ascending to the saddle on Peak 1955's west side.
Ascending to the saddle on Peak 1955's west side.
Ascending to the saddle, view back at Piestewa Peak seen top right.
Ascending to the saddle, view back at Piestewa Peak seen top right.
Last bit to Peak 1955, a nice trail.
Last bit to Peak 1955, a nice trail.
Peak 1955 summit.
Peak 1955 summit.
I dropped north and navigated a web of trails back to the trailhead.
I dropped north and navigated a web of trails back to the trailhead.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!