Lisa Falls.

At Lisa Falls, looking out toward Little Cottonwood Canyon.

The first scramble up the side of Lisa Falls and into the canyon.

Looking back from the top of Lisa Falls.

And the adventure begins!

One big waterfall that requires scrambling out to the left of the canyon since it's too steep to stay on the white rock.

Looking down from the side trail toward the big waterfall.

Lots of pretty waterfalls along the way, fun obstacles.

A notably fun section of scramble.

Lots of little clear pools like this.

Almost at the fork in the canyon. It's hard to tell, but staying left brings you to the ridge (longer hike to the summit), where right brings you to the summit via Lisa Canyon proper.

Exiting the canyon. It's very steep straight ahead, so I stayed left and went up to the ridgeline.

Looking back into the canyon.

Approaching the ridgeline before heading up to the summit of Twin Peaks.

Looking down into Little Cottonwood Canyon.

The ridge up to the eastern peak of Twin Peaks.

At the summit of the first Twin.

Heading back down into the gully toward Little Cottonwood Canyon. Pictured here is the real Lisa Canyon.

One section of blockage along the route. It just takes some thinking to get up, nothing more than 3rd class.

Approaching the fork where I went left to go up to the summit earlier, but now I'm coming down from the right.

At the top of Lisa Falls, right before exiting the canyon.
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