Hike Twin, Sunrise, and Dromedary Loop via Lake Blanche (Triple Traverse) Wasatch-Cache National Forest, UT

Autumn morning along the Twin Peaks Trail.

The trail opens up after a couple of miles, where you can see Dromedary and O'Sullivan Peaks in the background.

Looking back down the Twin Peaks Trail as we head into the talus field.

Another shot looking back.

The big talus/scree field leading up to the saddle of Twin Peaks and O'Sullivan Peak.

Approaching the saddle, view east toward O'Sullivan. First we went west to Twin Peaks.

Looking south down Lisa Canyon from the saddle.

Looking west toward the Twin Peaks summit.

Shawn along the interesting approach to Twin Peaks.

The approach to Twin Peaks.

The easy 3rd class scramble up Twin Peaks.

Twin Peaks ahead.

Twin Peaks summit looking toward O'Sullivan and Dromedary.

Looking south from the Twin Peaks summit.

After descending Twin Peaks and passing back across the saddle, this is the 2nd/3rd class scramble up O'Sullivan.

Looking back toward Twin Peaks from along the ridge line.

O'Sullivan (Sunrise) Peak just across this mini knife edge.

Summit of O'Sullivan looking toward Dromedary Peak.

A view of the ridgeline, toward O'Sullivan and Twin Peaks.

Looking into the basin, where the Twin Peaks Trail comes up.

Looking along the ridge line toward the descent of O'Sullivan.

Shawn scoping out the descent.

The descent steeply goes on the south side of O'Sullivan.

The saddle to ascend Dromedary Peak. The 2nd/3rd class route we found went to the left around that pine tree (next photo). It doesn't look like much, but there's a good way up. The super steep slope to the right looked way too sketchy.

The fairly straightforward scramble from the saddle.

Looking down at the basin from the scramble at the start of Dromedary Peak's approach.

The easier 2nd class scramble for the duration of the hike up to Dromedary.

The final section of fun scrambling before the summit.

Looking back at the ridge line from Dromedary Peak's summit.

Summit view of the final bit of the ridge line. The valley to the left is where we came up, the Twin Peaks Trail. The valley to the right with the lakes is the Lake Blanche Trail.

Lake Blanche and Lillian Lake in the distance. Farther than they look for sure.

Route-finding down Dromedary Peak might take some time. Nothing is harder than 2nd class, and you can easily get cliffed-out along the way down.

Approaching the ridge line before we decided to go toward Lake Blanche.

Nearing the spot along the ridge where we headed down right - it was the lowest section of the ridge, pretty easy to find.

Shawn butt sliding down the last sketchy part of the hike.

Looking up at the interesting descent from the ridge line, Dromedary Peak in the distance.

Lake Lillian ahead.

Lots of cliffs to navigate around and through to get down to the lakes. You can keep it Class 3, but it might be hard to find easier routes, or it would be very time-consuming.

Looking back up the cliff-riddled descent we took from Dromedary (visible top left).

The lakes have an old dam of stones. From here, the Lake Blanche Trail is easy to find and follow back.

Lake Blanche.

Headed down the Lake Blanche Trail.

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