Cross the street from Buckhorn Day Use Area and head up the dirt road.

You will quickly hit the Waterman Trail, which immediately gives some great views.

Overlook toward Twin Peaks (right).

Twin Peaks ahead.

Sign for Twin Peaks (left), Waterman Mountain (right).

Descending toward Twin Peaks.

Long way down.

Twin Peaks ahead.

Steep ascent to Twin Peaks.

Looking back toward Waterman Mountain.

At the saddle between East and West Twin Peaks. I wet east first.

Twin Peaks East summit. I actually don't know what mountain that is in the distance - Jacinto? Gorgonio? I should have looked.

Along the ridge toward Twin Peaks West.

Easy to get there, but the trail isn't very clear.

Looking back toward Twin Peaks East.

Twin Peaks West summit.

Another Twin Peaks West summit shot.

Looking back toward Twin Peaks East from near the summit.

Back at the Waterman/Twin Peaks junction heading toward Waterman Mountain.

Waterman Mountain summit.

Waterman Mountain summit looking toward Twin Peaks East.

Follow a series of slightly confusing fire roads back down.

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