Broken Arrow Trailhead.

Along the Broken Arrow Trial, excellent views toward the surrounding trips.

Junction with the Twin Buttes Trail.

Along the Twin Buttes Trail. East Twin Butte seen left, West Twin Butte on the right.

View back along the Twin Buttes Trail.

A trail junction. Battlement Mesa seen top right.

A nice overlook along the trail.

At the saddle separating Twin Buttes from Battlement Mesa. I left the official trail here and headed up the social trail seen ahead.

Ascending via the excellent social trail to the saddle separating Twin Buttes.

West Twin Butte up there.

At the saddle, heading toward West Twin Butte.

View back along the ridgeline as I start up West Twin Butte.

Class 3 up West Twin Butte.

First bit of Class 3.

More Class 3.

View down the fun Class 3 section on West Twin Butte.

Close-up toward East Twin Butte. The route I'll be taking heads through the shadowy bits to the gully in the center of this photo, then traverses right along the top of the cliff band (center) and then up the slope (top center).

Wider shot looking back toward the ridgeline, East Twin Butte over there.

More tame hiking to the summit of West Twin Butte.

West Twin Butte ahead.

Summit view, looking east.

Courthouse Butte and Bell Rock to the south.

View back toward West Twin Butte

Social trail up the steep slope beneath East Twin Butte.

View back toward West Twin Butte, now below the cliff face.

Class 3+ stemming chute.

View down the chute. Left of center is the easier option I recommend if you don't like the Class 4 direct gully option.

Just above the Class 3+ chute. On the left is the Class 4 ascent option. My recommended option leads to the right past the agave on a nice ledge.

Class 4 option photo for reference.

Along the ledge, my option.

Once the ledge peters out, I headed up on loose Class 2.

View down the loose Class 2. I came up from the right in this photo (the ledge is out of frame).

Class 2 on steep terrain leads up the slope.

You can actually avoid most bushwhacking with some forethought.

Just below the summit of East Twin Butte, view toward West Twin Butte.

East Twin Butte summit, view southeast.

View toward Capitol Butte and Wilson Mountain.

After backtracking, I started up toward Battlement Mesa, seen ahead.

I wrapped around the right side, but left works too.

North side of Battlement Mesa, Class 3.

Wide shot of Battlement Mesa's high point ahead. West Twin Butte seen behind it.

Shot of the narrow catwalk.

After heading along the mesatop, I located this social trail through a gully, a nice weakness to get back down to the Twin Peaks Trail.

View back toward the descent gully just before reaching the Twin Buttes Trail.
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