Class 1 4.8 miles 1900 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back Apr 20, 2023

Turtlehead Peak GPX Track

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Turtlehead Peak is a minor limestone summit within Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. It has nice views of the Calico Hills, but is otherwise really only known because there's a popular trail to its summit. It's also known as Turtlehead Mountain to some. You need a Red Rock Canyon reservation to access the Sandstone Quarry Trailhead within the scenic drive, which is the standard starting point for Turtlehead Peak. You could of course also reach this trailhead by making a lengthier hike from the Red Springs Trailhead outside of the scenic loop and avoid the drive and bureaucracy, but I'll leave that for you to decide. The hike starts from Sandstone Quarry along a wide and popular trail that reaches a junction with the Calico Tanks Trail. Keeping left leads up to Turtlehead Peak.

The Turtlehead Peak Trail ascends slowly adjacent to a wash, though many hikers seem to choose to hike within the wash rather than use the trail. Either way is no big deal since signs mark the route quite well. The trail then bends northeast and ascends into brushier terrain, leading toward the base of Turtlehead Peak. It's a striking cliff comprised of sheer limestone, but a bit underwhelming compared to the La Madre Mountains just behind it. Now getting more steep, the trail ascends along the left side of a major drainage on the peak's west shoulder. It might get a bit confusing to stay on the intended trail at times since there are various social trails leading all over the place. It seems the BLM hasn't defined an exact route. Though it helps that there are white dots painted onto rocks to point the intended route, it's easy to skip one and take an alternative social trail. All options seem to lead to the west ridge of Turtlehead Peak, some more directly than others. On the way up the gorgeous peaks of Red Rock Canyon become visible to the south.

The west ridge starts off as a clear trail and passes some few cool formations, but a few hundred feet before the summit it's more of the same confusing web of social trails. I found the most well-worn option doesn't head directly to the peak, but instead wraps beneath it and ascends from the other side. This is nice since there are great views down into the Calico Hills from this direction, but reaching the peak more directly along the ridge crest via one of many trails also seems to be a viable option.

Years ago I did a loop on the backside of the peak, and if you want information about that route get in touch and I can provide some details. I took that old previous trip report down because it wasn't detailed enough to be helpful.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Turtlehead Peak
6323 ft
603 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting from the Sandstone Quarry Trailhead, a junction where left leads to Turtlehead Peak.
Starting from the Sandstone Quarry Trailhead, a junction where left leads to Turtlehead Peak.
The trail leads next to the major wash seen on the right.
The trail leads next to the major wash seen on the right.
Turtlehead Peak seen top right.
Turtlehead Peak seen top right.
Ascending through brushier terrain.
Ascending through brushier terrain.
View back toward the Sandstone Quarry Trailhead.
View back toward the Sandstone Quarry Trailhead.
The trail leads to the saddle seen center.
The trail leads to the saddle seen center.
Ascending next to a drainage. The route stays on this side of the drainage, but it becomes a bit unclear.
Ascending next to a drainage. The route stays on this side of the drainage, but it becomes a bit unclear.
View back, the gorgeous peaks of Red Rock Canyon seen on the top right.
View back, the gorgeous peaks of Red Rock Canyon seen on the top right.
My chosen trail, though there are several options.
My chosen trail, though there are several options.
Looking back at the trail as it wraps in and out of gullies and ascends pretty steeply to the ridgeline.
Looking back at the trail as it wraps in and out of gullies and ascends pretty steeply to the ridgeline.
Image 10 from gallery
I managed to add in a couple of switchbacks that felt like they were the intended trail, but who knows at this point since there are so many options.
I managed to add in a couple of switchbacks that felt like they were the intended trail, but who knows at this point since there are so many options.
Approaching the ridgeline, Turtlehead Peak seen ahead.
Approaching the ridgeline, Turtlehead Peak seen ahead.
Some cool rock formations along the west ridge.
Some cool rock formations along the west ridge.
View back along the west ridge.
View back along the west ridge.
Turtlehead Peak just ahead. You could go directly along the crest, but the more obvious trail seems to lead below the summit, ascending more slowly to the peak's east side.
Turtlehead Peak just ahead. You could go directly along the crest, but the more obvious trail seems to lead below the summit, ascending more slowly to the peak's east side.
View back toward the La Madre Mountains as I ascend on the north side of Turtlehead Peak.
View back toward the La Madre Mountains as I ascend on the north side of Turtlehead Peak.
A view point of Calico Hills below.
A view point of Calico Hills below.
Turtlehead Peak summit, view down toward the trialhead.
Turtlehead Peak summit, view down toward the trialhead.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!