Starting from the Sandstone Quarry Trailhead, a junction where left leads to Turtlehead Peak.

The trail leads next to the major wash seen on the right.

Turtlehead Peak seen top right.

Ascending through brushier terrain.

View back toward the Sandstone Quarry Trailhead.

The trail leads to the saddle seen center.

Ascending next to a drainage. The route stays on this side of the drainage, but it becomes a bit unclear.

View back, the gorgeous peaks of Red Rock Canyon seen on the top right.

My chosen trail, though there are several options.

Looking back at the trail as it wraps in and out of gullies and ascends pretty steeply to the ridgeline.

I managed to add in a couple of switchbacks that felt like they were the intended trail, but who knows at this point since there are so many options.

Approaching the ridgeline, Turtlehead Peak seen ahead.

Some cool rock formations along the west ridge.

View back along the west ridge.

Turtlehead Peak just ahead. You could go directly along the crest, but the more obvious trail seems to lead below the summit, ascending more slowly to the peak's east side.

View back toward the La Madre Mountains as I ascend on the north side of Turtlehead Peak.

A view point of Calico Hills below.

Turtlehead Peak summit, view down toward the trialhead.
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