The three ridges separating Ladder of Doom and Turtle Tears.

Approaching the ridge up to enter Turtle Tears Canyon.

It's pretty steep.

Shawn on the ridge.

Looking back toward the trailhead, behind that butte over there.

The start of Turtle Tears Canyon on the bottom right.

Shawn starts the descent.

One of a few downclimb obstacles.

Approaching the last rappel.

Definitely a great last run.

Looking up at Shawn as he rappels the last dryfall.

Looking down at the rest of Turtle Tears. There were no more technical spots, so we just followed the base of the mountain in order to save a few hundred feet of elevation.

Walking along the base of the mountain before going up the next ridge (to get up to Ladder of Doom Canyon).

Along the ridge.

Ladder of Doom Canyon on the right. We have to go all the way around and start on the north side.

Looking into Ladder of Doom Canyon.

Going along the side of the base to get into the canyon.

Shawn entering Ladder of Doom canyon.

A series of fun rappels in sequence makes up the most of Ladder of Doom Canyon.

After the last rappel, there is a short side canyon where you can find the Ladder of Doom.

The old ladder.

If you go up the ladder, you enter an open section. Not much to see here.

Heading out of Ladder of Doom Canyon.

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