I parked here at this water containment thing.

View from where I parked toward Tunnel Spring Mountain (just right of center).

I walked through the open and mostly flat terrain to the base of the peak. My goal is to go up the spur ridge in the center.

Starting up the spur ridge.

View back into the vast open approach. My car is in the center somewhere.

Easy, steep walking up the spur ridge at first.

And then the ridge introduced some light Class 2.

Class 2 along the ridge.

View back along the ridge.

The ridge then became a bit more rocky and less obvious. The summit is out of view, but in the center.

Optional Class 3. Avoid on the left.

Past the optional Class 3, the ridge gets jumped by a rock spine. Keep right of the cliffs.

Class 2 on the right of the ridge crest cliffs.

A little side-hilling on Class 2 scree as I look for a weakness on the left to get above the cliffs.

View back along the short side-hilling section.

A Class 2 steep weakness.

View back down the Class 2 steep weakness.

I emerged above the cliff, a view toward the high point.

Tunnel Spring Mountain summit, view south.
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