Starting along the Jacks Creek Trail.

Entering a meadow along the Jacks Creek Trail.

View back through a meadow.

Pecos Baldy and East Pecos Baldy ahead.

View back, Santa Fe Baldy and Lake Peak visible to the southwest.

The trail enters a forest and follows Jacks Creek for a bit.

Then the Jacks Creek Trail heads through a burn area.

Approaching Pecos Baldy Lake.

Pecos Baldy Lake, East Pecos Baldy visible ahead. To reach the peaks, a trail leads left a bit before where I'm standing and into the trees on the far left in this photo.

Ascending the trail to East Pecos Baldy.

East Pecos Baldy seen through the trees.

Pecos Baldy Lake visible below as I make my way up the switchbacks.

A nice sign marking East Pecos Baldy's summit.

Ascending to East Pecos Baldy.

Summit of East Pecos Baldy ahead, the Truchas group visible in the distance.

View down to Pecos Baldy Lake from the summit of East Pecos Baldy.

View along the ridge to Pecos Baldy, the shorter of the two Pecos Baldy peaks. I descended along the ridge.

Along the ridge to Pecos Baldy.

View back toward East Pecos Baldy from a section of light Class 2.

Pecos Baldy ahead, some more fun Class 2 to come. Nothing too crazy.

Summit of Pecos Baldy, view back toward East Pecos Baldy.

Summit of Pecos Baldy, view southwest.

Summit of Pecos Baldy, view toward the Truchas group.

I headed back to Pecos Baldy Lake and continued north, now headed to Truchas Peak along the Skyline Trail.

View back as I ascend to the high meadows.

Truchas Peak comes into view.

Along the gorgeous Skyline Trail, heading north toward Truchas Peak.

View back toward East Pecos Baldy.

Approaching the Truchas group.

Truchas Peak visible top left.

I left the trail and started ascending to Truchas Peak, following a light social trail when possible.

Heading north to Truchas Peak.

View back along the meadowy, sloping ridge where the Skyline Trail led. The Pecos Baldy peaks visible top right.

I found a really nice social trail as I entered a short forested section.

Approaching Little South Truchas.

View back toward my progress so far.

Class 2 to Little South Truchas.

View back from Little South Truchas. The Pecos Baldy peaks visible center, and the Skyline Trail's meadowy ridgeline on the right.

Little South Truchas, view toward Truchas Peak (top left).

Along the ridge to Truchas Peak.

View back as I continued along the social trail leading toward Truchas Peak.

Progress up to Truchas Peak.

Another shot back, shortly after leaving the social trail, which didn't seem to actually lead to the summit.

Summit of Truchas Peak, view north toward the other peaks in the Truchas cluster.

Close-up toward North Truchas Peak (right) and sheepshead Peak (left).
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