North Fork Trailhead.

Along the North Fork of Purgatory River.

Making progress up to Trinchera Peak's east ridge.

Through a meadow. You can see the saddle we're heading to above Whiley.

At the upper North Fork Trailhead, where we picked up a dirt road and followed it west toward Trinchera Peak.

Along the road.

A view of the saddle between Peak 12955 and Trinchera Peak. The road to the saddle.

On the saddle, first heading to Peak 12955, seen ahead.

View toward Trinchera Peak as we head up to Peak 12955.

Peak 12955, view north.

View back toward Peak 12955 as we hike up Trinchera Peak.

Trinchera PEak ahead.

Class 3 section on the way up to Trinchera Peak.

View back at the Class 2/3 stuff on the way up to Trinchera Peak, Peak 12955 visible top left. West Spanish Peak visible top right.

Along the ridge to Trinchera Peak.

Another shot back.

Heading south down from Trinchera Peak. Leaning Peak North (far left) and Leaning Peak South (left of center) visible. We went to the high point of the unnamed bump above Whiley's head because why not?

Descending to the saddle with Leaning Peak North.

After Leaning Peak North, we headed down to its saddle with Leaning Peak South, some rockiness.

View back as we ascend to Leaning Peak South. Trinchera Peak visible top center.

Descending from Leaning Peak South. Cuatro Peak visible top center.

Making our way across the ridge to Cuatro Peak.

Ascending to Cuatro Peak, view back along the ridge, Trinchera Peak poking out up there.

View south from Cuatro Peak.

View northeast from Cuatro Peak. Trinchera Peak top left, West Spanish Peak top right.

The rocky and only technical-ish section of the traverse is from Cuatro Peak to Mount Maxwell, seen here.

View back at the descent from Cuantro Peak. It's mostly just steep and loose.

Along the traverse.

Avoiding some rock outcrops. Maximum we encountered was Class 3.

Past the rocky traverse, view back toward Cuantro Peak.

Summit of Mount Maxwell, view back toward Cuantro Peak.

Mount Maxwell, view south toward Mariquita Peak. I'll be back for you another day!

We descended from Mount Maxwell via its east ridge.

View back toward Mount Maxwell (left) and Cuantro Peak (top right).

After following the ridge for a bit, we encountered a road. We took it down back to the trailhead.

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