The lake within Velocity Basin.

Starting up the South Fork Trail. I'm heading to the ridge seen center by using the tundra spur/slope seen left.

A switchback along the South Fork Trail.

View back down into Velocity Basin.

The trail is flat for a short time.

View back, East Storm and Storm Mountain looming above Velocity Basin.

Although the South Fork Trail continues for a bit, I left it and headed toward the tundra spur seen ahead. You can sort of see a defined animal trail on the right.

After following the animal trail, looking back down once I reached the spur/slope.

View back down after ascending the steep tundra on a faint social trail.

Ascending traverse to gain the north ridge of Tower Mountain.

At the ridge, view back down into Velocity Basin.

Along the ridge, heading to Tower Mountain.

View back down along the ridge.

A well-defined trail to the summit. Tower Mountain seen center. There are a couple of small lumps to go up and over, but nothing significant.

Approaching the junction with the Boulder Gulch Trail, a view toward East Storm and Velocity Basin. I'll be taking the ridge in the center later to reach East Storm.

Tower Mountain seen left (tundra poking out). Its false summit is just left of it.

Junction with the Boulder Gulch Trail. Vestal Peak seen in the distance.

Along the ridge to Tower Mountain.

Some rocky sections, but there's a trail through them.

A view back along the ridgeline.

Another spurt of rocky, Tower Mountain now in view ahead.

Just below the summit of Toer Mountain, view back.

Tower Mountain, view east.

Tower Mountain, view southeast, Hematite Lake seen far left.

Close-up toward Hematite Lake and the road leading to Highland Mary Lakes.

Tower Mountain, view west. East Storm seen right.

Onward to East Storm, seen ahead.

The ridge begins mostly tundra.

Close-up toward East Storm, a prominent pinnacle seen center.

Some cool rock features.

View back along the ridge.

Optional Class 2/3 along the crest (left), leading to the base of the pinnacle (seen top right).

Wrapping around the pinnacle.

Ascending very steep tundra.

View back, Tower Mountain seen right and the pinnacle left.

My ascent route used terrain like this, Class 2/3.

Along the Class 2/3 ridgeline to gain the summit.

East Storm summit, view toward Storm Mountain.

My descent used this dirty slope, then traversed along tundra. Both options were fine, this one less dangerous.

A view down toward Velocity Basin.
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