McCullough Hills Trailhead. Tortoise Shell Peak seen top right.

Following signs for Trail 601.

The trail heads through a drainage and up to a slope ahead.

On a slope on the southeastern side of Tortoise Shell Peak, which is visible top right.

View back. I came from the left.

Junction, where Trail 601 heads left. I kept to the right.

Along the nice slope.

Junction with what will later form my little mini summit loop. I kept right for the ascent. The trail gets rockier from here.

View back at my progress. The trailhead is somewhere on the far left in this photo.

Approaching the east ridge of Tortoise Shell Peak.

Steeper trail.

Rocky east ridge.

Light Class 2 up to Tortoise Shell Peak.

Close-up back the way I came. Trailhead top left, the unmarked trail I came up on is seen far right.

Tortoise Shell Peak ahead.

Tortoise Shell Peak summit, view back.

Tortoise Shell Peak summit, view north into Las Vegas.

Tortoise Shell Peak summit, view south toward Black Mountain.

Close-up of the switchbacks I'll be using shortly.

Class 2 down the west side of Tortoise Shell Peak.

The trail leads over to the left.

Some nice views on the sweeping ridge.

View back up toward Tortoise Shell Peak.

Starting down the switchbacks, ultimately leading back to the unmarked trail and completing the mini summit loop.
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