Starting from my chosen parking area. Tortilla Pass is visible on the far right. This dirt road ahead leads to lower ground.

At the marked section called Woodbury Cabin (is the cabin gone?), Tortilla Pass top right.

Continuing along the trail leading to Tortilla Pass.

Looking back along the trail to Tortilla Pass. My car is up on the hills to the left somewhere.

Cross a wash and pick up the trail on the other side.

Trail gets progressively more steep as you near Tortilla Pass.

Almost at Tortilla Pass, looking back the way I came. Woodbury Cabin site is on the top left somewhere.

Tortilla Pass junction. Continue along the Rogers Canyon Trail leading slightly higher to what I assume is the true Tortilla Pass.

Tortilla Pass, looking back the way I came.

Tortilla Pass, looking northeast toward Angel Basin.

On the way down to Angel Basin, looking back toward Tortilla Pass.

Angel Basin and the interesting cliffs of Rogers Canyon on the right.

Looking back up toward Tortilla Pass.

The trail gets a little brush as it gets down toward a creek, but nothing too bad.

An unexpected natural arch.

Approaching Angel Basin.

Cross a creek to get to Angel Basin.

Looking back toward an interesting rock formation at a trail junction.

Grassy meadow of Angel Basin. This was a really nice spot. The trail leads to the center of this photo. The official map I had labeled this spot as being where the cliff dwellings are, but it was pretty wrong.

Close-up of some cool pinnacles to the south.

Heading out of Angel Basin and up Rogers Canyon.

The water was flowing in Rogers Canyon, and it was really nice.

Approaching the Cliff Dwellings.

Sign for the Rogers Canyon Cliff Dwellings. Scramble up the ledge to get to the higher ones.

Dwellings on the lower level.

Really cool stuff on the higher level.

A lot of the dwellings are still intact.

Continuing up Rogers Canyon.

Rogers Canyon follows the creek for much of the time before ascending to higher ground.

Looking south, still a ways to go.

The trail follows the creek, but from higher ground.

Looking back down Rogers Canyon.

Rogers Trough Trailhead ahead.

Looking back at the Rogers Trough Trailhead. I would have to walk along the road back to my car for a couple miles.

Expansive views along the road.

Close-up of Tortilla Pass (far right). You can see a small dirt road on the left, that's where my car is parked.
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