A flipped truck along the road, requiring an extra few miles of hiking on my trip.

Along the Continental Divide Trail (CDT).

Following the CDT generally southwest through the valley. Grays Peak visible center.

Looking back along the CDT.

Grays and Torreys visible ahead.

Torreys Peak ahead, the saddle along Kelso Ridge visible on the right. I left the trail to get to that saddle.

Some old mining debris just before getting to the saddle along Kelso Ridge.

Kelso Ridge, Torreys Peak ahead.

Looking back into the valley the way I came.

Some scrambling along Kelso Ridge.

Close-up of Torreys Peak right, Grays Peak left.

Looking back along Kelso Ridge, Kelso Mountain visible top left, the saddle where I got onto Kelso Ridge in the center.

More scrambling along Kelso Ridge, Torreys Peak peeking out in the center.

Following the ridgeline to Torreys Peak, Grays Peak visible on the left.

Looking back along the ridge, the valley I came up on the right, Kelso Mountain center.

Continuing along Kelso Ridge.

Some more scrambling just before the knife edge.

Looking back before starting the knife edge.

Looking back across the Kelso Ridge knife edge.

More scrambling after the knife edge.

Another shot looking back along Kelso Ridge, the knife edge visible on the left.

Torreys Peak summit, view south to Grats Peak.

View to the northeast while heading south down the Class 2 stuff from Torreys to Grays.

Looking up at Grays Peak

Looking back toward Torreys Peak and Kelso Ridge.

Grays Peak summit.

Heading down from Grays Peak.

View toward Torreys Peak while heading down Grays Peak.

Continuing along the CDT, Kelso Mountain visible center and the saddle I went up to in order to gain Kelso Ridge visible center left.

Almost back to the trailhead, a nice view of the valley now that the sun had fully risen.
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