Titanothere Peak and Block Peak in Death Valley National Park, CA

Hike Titanothere Peak and Block Peak Death Valley National Park, CA

Class 2 4.6 miles 2100 gain 2-4 hrs Loop Jan 10, 2021

Titanothere Peak and Block Peak GPX Track

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Titus Canyon Road is a beautiful backcountry road in Death Valley National Park. It's well-maintained and may only cause passenger cars difficulty in some minor sections. Of course being a one-way road, I can't say I'd recommend going for it without a proper vehicle. I wore gaiters due to brush and was happy I did (long pants likely fine too), since the first mile is a little unpleasant. I parked at a turn-off and headed south toward Titanothere Peak. I couldn't see the peak itself just yet, but its slopes were visible. I entered a drainage, but the watercourse offered no reprieve from the brush, so I zig-zagged around the shrubs and generally followed the drainage south. It eventually led me to a low saddle to the north of Titanothere Peak, where the brush dispersed and I found myself on a pleasant slope that led me to the ridgeline. Once on the ridgeline, I continued south and encountered some light Class 2 for the last half mile to the summit. Nothing alarming, just some light obstacles and a couple of loose slopes. I took in the nice views of Thimble Peak and Death Valley below before heading back along the ridgeline, Block Peak my next objective.

A big hump along the ridge added some vertical gain, but the terrain was really pleasant and I soon found myself at the base of Block Peak. The route I took headed up the steep Class 2 slope and I found myself pulling a Class 2+ move that likely can be avoided with a little more poking around. Mellow terrain brought me to the optional Class 4 "block" of Block Peak, but I wrapped around to the left and located a Class 2 option instead. I shortened my trip back to Titus Canyon Road by heading north down a steep and indiscriminately chosen gully/slope combo (Class 1/2) and followed the road back to my car.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Titanothere Peak
6136 ft
1016 rise
Block Peak
5921 ft
321 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

From Titus Canyon Road, I headed to the drainage in the center of this photo.
From Titus Canyon Road, I headed to the drainage in the center of this photo.
Within the drainage. Brushy. The slopes leading to Titanothere Peak are visible ahead.
Within the drainage. Brushy. The slopes leading to Titanothere Peak are visible ahead.
The drainage led to a low saddle, which I took to gain the ridge above. The ridge continued to the left, where you can see a false summit of Titanothere Peak.
The drainage led to a low saddle, which I took to gain the ridge above. The ridge continued to the left, where you can see a false summit of Titanothere Peak.
Looking back into the drainage I ascended (in the shadows).
Looking back into the drainage I ascended (in the shadows).
Titanothere Peak on the right.
Titanothere Peak on the right.
Close-up to the ridge to come.
Close-up to the ridge to come.
Titanothere Peak up there.
Titanothere Peak up there.
Class 2 side-hilling and minor obstacles coming up.
Class 2 side-hilling and minor obstacles coming up.
Close-up to the Class 2 section leading to the summit area.
Close-up to the Class 2 section leading to the summit area.
Looking back down the Class 2 section before the summit.
Looking back down the Class 2 section before the summit.
Summit of Titanothere Peak ahead.
Summit of Titanothere Peak ahead.
Thimble Peak right of center.
Thimble Peak right of center.
Back along the ridgeline, heading to Block Peak (left of center).
Back along the ridgeline, heading to Block Peak (left of center).
Block Peak's Class 2 slope visible ahead.
Block Peak's Class 2 slope visible ahead.
Class 2+ option I took. It was fun, but you can likely find an easier way up if you want.
Class 2+ option I took. It was fun, but you can likely find an easier way up if you want.
Some mellow stuff just before the true summit of Block Peak, ahead. I wrapped around on the left to find an easy way up.
Some mellow stuff just before the true summit of Block Peak, ahead. I wrapped around on the left to find an easy way up.
Block Peak summit, view back toward Titanothere Peak (right).
Block Peak summit, view back toward Titanothere Peak (right).
Thimble Peak far left. Red Pass on the right.
Thimble Peak far left. Red Pass on the right.
I dropped down the north side of Block Peak and followed whatever gully/slope felt right. It was steep, but barely Class 2.
I dropped down the north side of Block Peak and followed whatever gully/slope felt right. It was steep, but barely Class 2.
Looking back up the slope/gully I came down before reaching Titus Canyon Road.
Looking back up the slope/gully I came down before reaching Titus Canyon Road.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!