Along the Ice House Canyon Trail.

Ice House Canyon Trail exits the forested section and starts to gain elevation.

Ice House Canyon Trail, almost at the Ice House Saddle.

From Ice House Saddle headed up to Timber Mountain.

Looking back toward Bighorn Peak (other side of the Ice House Saddle) along the trail to Timber Mountain

Timber Mountain summit.

Continuing along toward Telegraph Peak (center). Baldy Peak on the left.

Telegraph Peak ahead.

On the way up Telegraph Peak, looking back toward Timber Mountain.

Looking back toward Timber Mountain.

Really pretty trail along the side of Telegraph Peak.

Looking back along the summit ridge to Telegraph Peak.

Telegraph Peak looking toward Mt. Baldy.

Looking back toward Telegraph Peak on the way to Thunder.

Headed up Thunder Mountain.

Thunder Mountain summit, looking toward Mt. Baldy.

Headed down a dirt toad to the saddle before starting the trek up the crowded trail to Mt. Baldy. You can see the ski lift area on the left. People were taking this up to get most of the way up to the summit.

Heading up toward Mt. Baldy (and Mt. Harwood).

Devil's Backbone.

Looking back along the Devil's Backbone - you can see Thunder Mountain and Telegraph Peak.

Trial carved into the side of the mountain just after the Devil's Backbone.

Looking back toward the Devil's Backbone.

Starting up the use trail to summit Mt. Harwood.

Looking back from just below the summit of Mt. Harwood.

Mt. Harwood summit looking toward Mt. San Antonio (Baldy).

Looking back toward Mt. Harwood summit on the way down.

Mt. Baldy ahead.

Looking back along the whole ridgeline. I think Timber Mountain is hidden behind Telegraph Peak, but all four peaks I've done so far seem very far away.

Close-up looking toward the ridgeline, Mt. Harwood on the left.

Continuing on the Old Baldy Trail.

A beautiful surprise ridgeline along the Old Baldy Trail.

Clouds hovering over the city far below.

Looking back up toward Mt. Baldy.

The trail begins to switchback and enters a canyon below.

Looking back toward Timber, Telegraph, and Thunder.

Very pretty Southern California sunset haze.

The trail exits in the town of Mt. Baldy. Follow the road for a bit back to the trailhead.
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