Starting out from a pull-out, I headed toward Tikaboo Peak first, visible on the right.

End of the old dirt road, starting on the trail.

Looking back the way I came, Badger Mountain visible top right.

Steep trail up Tikaboo Peak.

The trail side-hills a sub-peak. Tikaboo Peak visible top left.

Looking back along the trail, Badger Mountain center.

Tikaboo Peak Trail heads just left of the ridge to avoid rock outcroppings, down to the saddle visible on the right, just below Tikaboo Peak's summit.

Heading up the final stretch to Tikaboo Peak.

Tikaboo Peak ahead.

Tikaboo Peak summit, view north.

Tikaboo Peak summit, view east toward Badger Mountain.

After heading back to my car, I headed up to the saddle and then started up this steep ridge toward Badger Mountain.

On my way up Badger Mountain, view toward Tikaboo Peak on the left.

Continuing up the steep slope.

At the top of the steep slope, view toward Badger Mountain on the right. An inconvenient canyon separates the ridge I'm on from Badger's summit ridge.

Dropping down a drainage to get into the inconvenient canyon.

After crossing over the inconvenient canyon, heading up a chosen ridge/slope to get up to Badger Mountain's summit ridge.

Badger Mountain ahead.

Looking back along the ridge.

Almost at Badger Mountain's summit.

Badger Mountain summit, view toward Tikaboo Peak (left).
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