Starting at the Thunder Mountain Trailhead.

The Thunder Mountain Trail heads through a mellow canyon.

A junction, where the Thunder Mountain Trail heads east.

The Thunder Mountain Trail almost immediately gets more interesting.

Some gorgeous hoodoos.

The Thunder Mountain Trail begins to ascend a ridge to the south.

View east toward Thunder Mountain (Peak 8429) in the center. That's where I'm headed.

Views east as I make it up the Thunder Mountain Trail switchbacks. I came up that canyon a few minutes ago.

Almost along the ridgeline, view south toward some pretty eroded rock.

The Thunder Mountain Trail heads across a narrow section of ridgeline. You can see Thunder Mountain peeking out in the center.

Making progress along the ridgeline, a bit higher up.

Looking back along the ridgeline.

The Thunder Mountain Trail heads south, down into another canyon. The trail then works up to the ridge visible ahead in this photo.

Continuing south, up to another ridgeline.

Switchbacks to gain the ridge.

On the ridgeline after a bunch of baby switchbacks, a view west, back the way I came.

View east, Thunder Mountain hidden in the center.

Thunder Mountain Trail working along the ridge, sometimes just south of the crest.

Thunder Mountain visible ahead in the center.

Looking back along the ridge, lots of gorgeous hoodoos visible on the right.

The Thunder Mountain Trail wraps around to the south of Thunder Mountain, the peak not visible from the trail just yet.

A pair of hoodoos marking where I decided to leave the trail (just after them).

A view of Thunder Mountain, just after the hoodoo pair. I worked slowly down on the right and followed a drainage that put me to the left of the peak.

Working up the drainage.

Some minor Class 2 just before the summit.

On the rim, just below the Thunder Mountain summit. This is a view west. You can see the point called "White Point" in the center.

Continuing to the summit of Thunder Mountain.

Thunder Mountain summit, view north.
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