Thumb Peak visible center. We followed a drainage and then headed up the slopes ahead.

Looking back as we navigate the slopes.

Thumb Peak on the right, lots of pinnacles to contend with first. We ascended the slope. Our notch of choice that worked well to get to the south side of the ridge was the one to just left of center in this photo.

Looking back down the slope as we ascend to the notch.

Now on the south side of the ridge, looking back toward the notch we came through.

Sheer cliffs visible ahead. Our route hugs the slope on the right until the terrain really rough and cliff-riddled, and then we ascended to the right up to the ridge.

Our chosen rock rib to ascend to the summit.

Class 3 fun on mostly solid rock. You can see the sheer cliffs on the left, the reason we decided to ascend here. Thumb Peak is hidden behind the cliffs out of view above Matt somewhere.

On the ridge after ascending the Class 3 rock rib, Thumb Peak visible ahead on the right. We attempted the ridge, but were almost immediately cliffed out. Instead, we located a Class 3 downclimb on the right. It accessed the lightly-colored slope visible in the center of this photo. The slope would then take us up Class 2 to a shallow notch at its head.

The Class 3 downclimb to access the slope.

Looking back toward the Class 3 downclimb (right), as we continue on the north side of the ridgeline up the slope.

At the head of the Class 2 slope at the shallow notch, looking toward Thumb Peak. Straightforward to the summit from here.

Just below the Thumb Peak summit, looking back the way we came.

Thumb Peak summit, view down toward the ridgeline we ascended. You can see how jagged the pinnacles are.

Thumb Peak summit , view north toward Castle Dome Peak (left) and Signal Peak (distant right).
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