Starting from the parking lot along the paved recreation trail.

Entering the forest along the Reservoir Loop.

A small stream crossing.

Keep left at this junction. A sign reads that jumping into the Swimming River Reservoir is illegal.

Along the perimeter of the reservoir.

Pretty trees with a nice water backdop.

Constructed bridges over little drainages.

A bench along the trail.

It's a pleasant stroll along the reservoir.

The trail emerges onto the perimeter of a meadow for a moment before heading back in.

More reservoir views.

And then the Reservoir Loop Trail meets up with Marlu Lake.

Looking back across the Marlu Lake Dam.

At a junction on the opposite side of the dam. I recommend heading to the right, coming back later from the left.

Well-marked junctions along the Reservoir Loop Trail.

A lovely green walk.

Easy-to-miss junction.

Now heading back south along the Reservoir Loop Trail.

Crossing over the same paved recreation trail.

Emerging into a large field.

Heading through the field, the Monmouth County Park System Historical Services building seen in the center. The Reservoir Loop heads to the right of it, then comes back later on the left.

View back into the field.

Passing over the western entrance road to Thompson Park.

A little old building seen as the trail follows the perimeter of a meadow.

Forest hiking on an old road converted into a trail.

A quick spur trail leading to a view of the Swimming River Reservoir.

Heading back north along the trail.

After passing the Historical Services Building on a paved road, the Reservoir Loop heads back into the forest here on the right.

More nice forest walking.

The trail meets back up with the Marlu Lake Dam at the junction from earlier.
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