View toward Red Pass (you can see my car left of center).

Trail leading up to Thimble's Shadow.

Thimble's Shadow ahead.

View back along the trail.

Thimble Peak on the right.

Another shot back toward Red Pass.

Thimble's Shadow on the left.

Thimble's Shadow summit, view toward Titanothere Peak (left of center) and Corkscrew Peak (right).

Thimble Peak ahead.

Close-up of Thimble Peak as I drop down along the trail from Thimble's Shadow.

The trail heads around the cliffs on easy terrain.

Looking back toward Thimble's Shadow (right).

Class 2, with a Class 2+ move.

Looking back toward the Class 2 stuff.

Mount Palmer (center) and Grapevine Peak (just right of it) to the north.

Thimble Peak summit, view into Death Valley. Corkscrew Peak visible far left.

Close-up toward Corkscrew Peak.
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