Thimble Peak and Seven Falls via Bear Canyon in Coronado National Forest, AZ

Hike Thimble Peak and Seven Falls via Bear Canyon Coronado National Forest, AZ

Class 4 15.8 miles 3200 gain 6-8 hrs Out + Back Mar 27, 2016

Thimble Peak and Seven Falls via Bear Canyon GPX Track

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Many seem to approach Thimble Peak from the east via the Sycamore Reservoir Trail, but I was also hoping to check out a feature known as Seven Falls, found along the Bear Canyon Trail (Trail #29). This would add significantly more mileage and vertical gain, but it felt worth it. I parked at the Bear Canyon Trailhead and headed north into the mouth of the canyon. The trail roughly followed the watercourse, and at this lower, hotter elevation the water was welcome. A few miles later I reached Seven Falls, a series of cascades and a very popular destination. I spent a little bit of time at one of the upper falls before I continued onward along the Bear Canyon Trail.

Although the views become a bit more open and the expansive meadows had a very different vibe from the earlier portion of the hike, the trail was a bit less interesting past the waterfalls. The trail ascends via a series of switchbacks in order to gain the ridge above, and then a social trail leads away from the trail, heading west along the ridge. This social trail is easy to follow and has nice views into Bear Canyon as it approaches the base of Thimble Peak. From the base, I kept to the right (northwest) side of Thimble Peak and found the gully required to ascend the summit block. Some Class 2 leads into a tight gully. At the top of the gully is the crux of the summit block. There was a fixed rope on my visit, but expect to pull some Class 4/5 moves if there is no rope when you come. Sabino Canyon and Bear Canyon are seen stretching away from the gorgeous summit block view.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Thimble Peak
5323 ft
403 rise

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Starting along the Bear Canyon Trail.
Starting along the Bear Canyon Trail.
Entering Bear Canyon.
Entering Bear Canyon.
The trail is popular and well-maintained, crossing over the watercourse several times.
The trail is popular and well-maintained, crossing over the watercourse several times.
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View up at the cliffs.
View up at the cliffs.
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Small water holes along the way.
Small water holes along the way.
A view back down Bear Canyon.
A view back down Bear Canyon.
Along the eastern bank, view up Bear Canyon.
Along the eastern bank, view up Bear Canyon.
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Seven Falls.
Seven Falls.
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One of the upper falls of Seven Falls.
One of the upper falls of Seven Falls.
View back down the Seven Falls from one of the upper falls.
View back down the Seven Falls from one of the upper falls.
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Onward along the Bear Canyon Trail.
Onward along the Bear Canyon Trail.
More pretty water features higher up. Also, the crowds were gone past the falls.
More pretty water features higher up. Also, the crowds were gone past the falls.
A shot back into Bear Canyon.
A shot back into Bear Canyon.
Higher up, looking back again.
Higher up, looking back again.
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The trail ascends through pretty meadows.
The trail ascends through pretty meadows.
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Along some switchbacks used to gain the ridge above.
Along some switchbacks used to gain the ridge above.
View back along the social trail that follows the ridge to the base of Thimble Peak.
View back along the social trail that follows the ridge to the base of Thimble Peak.
Ascending to Thimble Peak.
Ascending to Thimble Peak.
Thimble Peak seen on the right, Bear Canyon below on the left.
Thimble Peak seen on the right, Bear Canyon below on the left.
Approaching Thimble Peak's base. Wrap around to the right.
Approaching Thimble Peak's base. Wrap around to the right.
On the right (northwest) side of Thimble Peak. I headed up and found the gully required to ascend the summit block.
On the right (northwest) side of Thimble Peak. I headed up and found the gully required to ascend the summit block.
View west as I start up the Class 2 stuff.
View west as I start up the Class 2 stuff.
View north past the first bit of Class 2.
View north past the first bit of Class 2.
The gully I used to ascend.
The gully I used to ascend.
Looking back down the gully.
Looking back down the gully.
At the top of the gully, the crux of the summit block. There was a fixed rope on my visit, but expect to pull some Class 4/5 moves if there is no rope when you come.
At the top of the gully, the crux of the summit block. There was a fixed rope on my visit, but expect to pull some Class 4/5 moves if there is no rope when you come.
Thimble Peak, view down into the gully I came out of.
Thimble Peak, view down into the gully I came out of.
Summit of Thimble Peak, Sabino Canyon (right) and Bear Canyon (left).
Summit of Thimble Peak, Sabino Canyon (right) and Bear Canyon (left).
View into Sabino Canyon.
View into Sabino Canyon.
View into Bear Canyon.
View into Bear Canyon.
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Image 39 from gallery
Image 40 from gallery

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!