The Cockscomb in Coconino National Forest, AZ

Hike The Cockscomb Coconino National Forest, AZ

Class 3 3.1 miles 600 gain <1 hr Out + Back Oct 29, 2022

The Cockscomb GPX Track

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The Cockscomb is a minor Sedona summit using a trail (or social trail) for its duration, and with a short Class 3 move. The Aerie Trailhead is less popular than most others in the area, but still gets attention. On my drive there I had to wait for a hot air balloon that had landed on the road. Though I don't ever plan to get in one of these whimsical contraptions, the concept of humans floating around in one delights me.

I headed along the Coxcomb Trail, the peak visible in the distance. I kept left at a signed junction with the Outer Limits Trail, and then veered off to the right along the Ground Control Trail. Shortly after heading along this trail, I left it at an unmarked social trail junction that began climbing more steeply up the north slope of The Coxcomb. Ahead I could see a cliff band that surrounded the summit mesa, but the social trail kept 50 feet or so below it before ascending to the northeast side of the peak. Some Class 2 brought me to a short dihedral, the Class 3 crux that led to the mesatop. I continued south along the little mesa to reach the high point, which had some okay views. The peak is sort of isolated from the rest of the Sedona landscape and not much more than a lump after all, but it was a nice little morning outing.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
The Cockscomb
5008 ft
368 rise

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Starting along the Coxcomb Trail.
Starting along the Coxcomb Trail.
Image 1 from gallery
The Coxcomb comes into view.
The Coxcomb comes into view.
View back toward the way I came, Bear Mountain in the distance.
View back toward the way I came, Bear Mountain in the distance.
Approaching the base of The Coxcomb.
Approaching the base of The Coxcomb.
Junction with the Ground Control Trail. I headed right here.
Junction with the Ground Control Trail. I headed right here.
Social trail junction I took, leaving the Ground Control Trail.
Social trail junction I took, leaving the Ground Control Trail.
Social trail leading to the cliff base surrounding The Coxcomb.
Social trail leading to the cliff base surrounding The Coxcomb.
The social trail is barely Class 2, but a bit steep. It keep 50 feet or so below the cliffs above.
The social trail is barely Class 2, but a bit steep. It keep 50 feet or so below the cliffs above.
View back along the social trail. Doe Mountain and Bear Mountain seen on the right.
View back along the social trail. Doe Mountain and Bear Mountain seen on the right.
The trail wraps around the north side and reaches a weakness in the cliff.
The trail wraps around the north side and reaches a weakness in the cliff.
Class 2 ramp.
Class 2 ramp.
Above the Class 2, a Class 3 dihedral. Rocks were already piled up when I arrived.
Above the Class 2, a Class 3 dihedral. Rocks were already piled up when I arrived.
View down the Class 3.
View down the Class 3.
Class 3 move at the bottom of this photo, the mesatop ahead.
Class 3 move at the bottom of this photo, the mesatop ahead.
Along the mesatop to the high point.
Along the mesatop to the high point.
The Coxcomb summit, view south.
The Coxcomb summit, view south.
Close-up toward Capitol Butte.
Close-up toward Capitol Butte.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!