Starting from the Right Fork Trailhead.

Beautiful morning light on the meadows.

Heading down along a social trail to North Creek.

Working our way along North Creek.

Confluence of Left and Right Forks of North Creek. We kept to the right.

Heading up Right Fork.

Boulder-hopping to avoid water. I recommend just walking through the water, really.

A mudslide that looked solid, but was in fact not.

Junction with Trail Canyon. This photo is looking up Trail Canyon.

Within Trail Canyon, looking north.

Trail Canyon starts to become unpleasant.

First 20-foot dryfall obstacle. Passable via right slope.

Second dryfall obstacle, passable via the slope on the right in this photo. I recommend just going up the slope at the first chance you get rather than venturing into the terraced-looking rock terrain.

Ascending the slope.

Above the second dryfall, looking north toward Trail Canyon.

Continuing up Trail Canyon for literally ever.

Approaching the head of Trail Canyon.

The Class 2/2+ slope leading to the mesatop.

View from the top of the slope down into Trail Canyon, Cougar Mountain visible on the left.

And let the views begin! The route heads into these hoodoos.

View as we enter the hoodoos, Cougar Mountain in the distance.

Once through the hoodoos, we got this lovely view. The Bishopric is seen on the right. Sunbeam Peak visible on the left.

Heading along the ridge.

Another incredible view. Monoliths of Zion Canyon on the right. Our route on the left. A seasonal waterfall in the center, nestled beneath Elephant Head.

Elephant Head and the seasonal waterfall.

Continuing through the meadows on the mesatop.

Heading down into a slickrock wonderland. Elephant Head still visible on the right.

Another view of the waterfall and Elephant Head.

Close-up of the waterfall, just a hoodoo garden of route-finding away.

Navigating the hoodoo garden.

Shawn and Josh enjoying the waterfall.

The seasonal waterfall. Absolutely incredible.

Working our way out of the hoodoo garden.

Looking back toward the way we came.

Entering Terry Wash below.

Quick detour within Terry Wash to see the top of the waterfall.

At the top of the waterfall.

Headed east up Terry Wash.

An obstacle within Terry Wash.

Avoiding Terry wash sometimes because it was brush-choked.

There's The Bishopric West!

Gorgeous slickrock bowl at the base of The Bishopric West.

Josh walking through the bowl.

Looking down Terry Wash as we ascend the bowl.

At the base of The Bishopric West.

Steep slickrock basically the whole way to the summit.

Looking back toward Terry Wash, Elephant Head on the left.

Yoshi enjoying the view to the south.

The Bishopric East visible on the right.

Just below the summit, this scary face blocked easy access. We went around the right side.

Hard slab move ahead.

Chandler about to start the slabs. Just to the right out of frame is the alternative Class 4 dihedral I chose to ascend, avoiding the slab.

Chandler on the slab move as Yoshi heads up to the summit.

The Bishopric West summit, looking north toward The Hamster.

The Bishopric West summit, looking east. The Bishopric East on the right.

The Bishopric West summit, looking west toward the way we came. Elephant Head on the left, followed by Terry Wash below. The hoodoo garden and slickrock to the right of that, and the mesa we traversed in the distance. The peak on the right is called Zippy.

The Bishopric West summit looking toward the incredible Zion monoliths to the southeast.
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